Thursday, September 3, 2020
6.05 Rate and Collision Theory Essay
Does surface zone influence dissolving of Alka-Seltzer tablets? Materials: 1. solo cups 2. Alka-Seltzer tablets 3. Clock 4. Estimating Cup 5. Thermometer Techniques: 1. I put out two of my performance cups on the counter 2. At that point I put 1 cup of room temperature water into each cup. 3. At that point put one Alka-Seltzer Tablet in one cup and time it until it breaks up totally. 4. In the second cup I put in a squashed up Alka-Seltzer tablet and coordinated it until it disintegrated. 5. Rehash stages 1 through 4 once again. Squashed Alka-Seltzer 21.86 seconds 23.52 seconds Entire Alka-Seltzer 29.15 seconds 35.33 seconds Conversation and Conclusion: Answer the accompanying inquiries in complete sentences. 1. What two components did you explore in your methodology, and for what reason did you decide to look at these two variables? The two components I researched were surface territory and Alka-Seltzer. I chose to pick those if the surface zone made the Alka-seltzer breaks down quicker. 2. What different variables did you have to control during your examination? Clarify how you controlled every one in your strategy. Components that I expected to control in my test was the temperature of water, what number of Alka-Seltzer tablets to place in, and how much water to use in the cups. I had a thermometer to ensure that when I done my two preliminaries that the two of them had a similar temperature of water, I just put one tablet for every cup, and I made sure to have a similar measure of water in each cup I utilized. 3. What was your expectation about the aftereffects of each consider tried your two lab methodology? Clarify your expectations dependent on your insight into the dissolving procedure, impact hypothesis, and response rates. My forecasts of the outcomes on this lab were correct. I figured that if the Alka-Seltzer were squashed up it would make it progressively simpler to break down since they were in little pieces rather than one major tablet. 4. In your own words, clarify the impact hypothesis, and what is vital for a crash to be fruitful? Impact hypothesis is a hypothesis that when atoms crash with a specific goal in mind with the specific measure of vitality they begin to frame new substances. 5. A particular impetus was not accommodated this response, however impetuses are helpful for expanding the pace of many moderate responses. In your own words, give an itemized clarification of how impetuses can expand the pace of a response or procedure? Impetuses can build the pace of a response or procedure since they help speed things up by lessening the measure of vitality required for the response to occur.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Spirits of the Past free essay sample
I was once told by my folks that there were no such things as phantoms. It didn’t take me long to see in any case. At the point when I was eight years of age, I visited the Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA) just because while on a field trip with my grade school. Since my ability to read a compass failed to impress anyone, I got lost around five minutes into the visit. Totally confounded, I meandered into a fascinating looking show, which I later learned housed a great assortment of Greco-Roman sculptures. Around then, nonetheless, they just seemed as though enormous individuals stock still. Be that as it may, what was freezing them? While rational individuals would call attention to the undeniable truth that those sculptures were made of rocks and in this manner couldn't go about as should be expected individuals could, my eight-year-old brain (which, trust me, was never exceptionally reasonable in any case) promptly started seeing these ancient rarities as alive. We will compose a custom paper test on Spirits of the Past or on the other hand any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page What resulted was a daytime form of â€Å"Night At The Museum.†An immaterial leader of a man in a Greek head protector started grinning at me, the individuals engraved on a diletantish looking box began hitting the dance floor with their blades, and a sparkly, white-chiseled man shook his platform and utilized his muscles. Now, uninformed that I was daydreaming, I fled amazingly scared and with wet eyes and wet jeans. After I was sent home for disobedience since I â€Å"chose†to surrender my school bunch in a craftsmanship historical center, I understood something significant about my dreams. In spite of all the unusual things I had seen the sculptures do, none of them at any point addressed me! From that point on, I got fixated on the inquiry, If these old models could talk, what stories would they tell? What might the figures on the previously mentioned box (which, I later discovered, is a Greek stone casket going back to 100 BCE) have seen and experienced during the 2000 or more years they have been in presence? At the point when I asked my folks this, they advised me to return to doing my math schoolwork with the goal that I might one be able to day become a mechanical specialist simply like my dad. Ugh! Despite my parents’ lack of care, I was resolved to find out about these well established relics. I asked my mother to return me to the DIA so I could take notes on all the ancient rarities in the show. I additionally visited my nearby library to peruse up and assemble more information on the substance of the exhibition hall. Truth be told, in the wake of picking up information †like the way that the bust of the head with the cap that was from antiquated Corinth, and that the acclaimed Hellenistic Greek stone carver Alexandros of Antioch may have helped plan the engraved stone casket †I introduced my discoveries for sharing time in my third grade class, directed by a similar educator who had tossed me out of the historical center fourteen days prior! The introduction went perfectly and when my instructor asked what enlivened me to accomplish such a great deal extracurricular work, I actually announced that it was all since she sent me home for â€Å"not following di rections†and that if the remainder of the class needed to sound keen like me, they ought to consider doing precisely what I did on the following field trip. The whole class thundered with giggling †aside from my instructor, obviously. Since the time the apparitions of those old relics communed with me each one of those years prior, my longing to consider history has held my soul with a tirelessness dissimilar to anything I have ever experienced. I completely mean to seek after my verifiable goals in school since I will have the option to cooperate with researchers considerably more truly slanted than my third grade instructor, and I will appreciate each day of learning. I have consistently been outstandingly inquisitive, and with regards to history, no bit of information †anyway inconsequential or unsafe to acquire †will ever get away from my notification. Author’s Note: This school article was ostensibly my generally close to home. It is incredibly a genuine story and helped me get into school programs at the University of Michigan, Cornell University, and Dartmouth College.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Introduction to Game Theory free essay sample
Nobel Prize Citation, 1994: Game hypothesis is a scientific technique for breaking down key collaboration. Issue What is vital communication? (Singapore Management University) Introduction to Game Theory Fall 2012 2/18 An Example of a Game | Flat Tire Two SMU understudies, Al and Bob, very con mark about their midterm test execution in ECON 206, chose to go to a gathering the end of the week prior to the nal test. The gathering was acceptable to such an extent that they slept late the entire Sunday. Rather than taking the nal ill-equipped on Monday, they argued the teacher to surrender them a make test. Their reason was an at tire without an extra and any assistance. The educator, shockingly, concurred. On Tuesday morning, the teacher set them in isolated rooms and gave them the test. The test had only one inquiry: Which tire? (Singapore Management University) Introduction to Game Theory Fall 2012 3/18 The GPA Rat Race All of you are currently taken on ECON 206 that will be evaluated on a bend. We will compose a custom paper test on Prologue to Game Theory or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Regardless of how well you do in supreme terms, just 33. 3% of the understudies will get As, and just 33. 3% of the understudies will get Bs. Subsequently, you should buckle down, in supreme terms, however comparative with how hard your colleagues work. Every one of you are sufficiently shrewd to perceive this, and after the rst address all of you hold a discharge meeting where every one of you make a deal to avoid buckling down. What will occur at long last? (Singapore Management University) Introduction to Game Theory Fall 2012 4/18 Why Are Professors So Mean? Numerous educators have inflexible standards not to give cosmetics tests and NEVER to acknowledge late schoolwork assignments. Understudies may think the educators are so cruel to act along these lines. Actually. Most teachers are in reality merciful (for instance. ) They are eager to offer their understudies each sensible reprieve and acknowledge each sensible reason But most teachers likewise realize this is an elusive slant (for instance, ) | on the off chance that they set truly exible standards, what may occur? (Singapore Management University) Introduction to Game Theory Fall 2012 5/18 Another Example | Strategic Interactions versus Singular Decision Problems Underlying story: two understudies (Alice and Bob) are taking a course together. There are three e ort levels for every understudy: buckle down (utility = 5), work here and there (utility = 2), avoid (utility = 0). Consider the accompanying two evaluation plans. Evaluation Scheme An: An understudies nal grade possibly relies upon her own e ort level | if an understudy buckles down, she will get an A without a doubt (utility = 10); in the event that she works now and again, she will get a passing evaluation (utility = 5); while if the understudy evades, she will bomb the course without a doubt (utility = 0). Singular Decision Problem E ort Level Utility Disutility Net Work Hard 10 5 Work Sometimes 5 2 Shirk 0 (Singapore Management University)
God and Mephistopheles Essay Example for Free
God and Mephistopheles Essay In the introduction of Faust, Mephisto went into concurrence with the Lord. What are the details of the understanding, and how can he approach endeavoring to win? What precisely does accomplish all the while? In the start of the disaster there is a discourse among God and Mephistopheles. Mephistopheles says that individuals can’t utilize their psyche in the correct manner. God contends and gives a case of Faust’s serving to Him and to individuals. At that point Mephistopheles requests that authorization put Faust on any preliminary since he needs to demonstrate that Faust will come up short. He gets such authorization however God is certain that Faust will feel the correct way and that he will be spared. Thus, the battle for Faust’s soul starts. As Faust is on edge about finding the most elevated feeling of life, Mephistopheles needs to demonstrate the joys to Faust. They bargain that if the researcher needs a second to remain everlastingly, he will be Mephistopheles’ worker. He attempts to entice him with the assistance of delightful ladies Margaret and afterward Helen, yet Faust can’t get a full bliss with them. The creator uncovers this thought by Helen’s words while her vanishing: â€Å"Alas, the old word demonstrates valid for me, too: That happiness and excellence never lastingly join together. †Mephistopheles likewise attempts to stimulate Faust’s want to wonder and love however these endeavors have no achievement. At last Faust wishes the second to remain everlastingly, yet Mephistopheles doesn’t win. It happens when he is building dam so as to help the individuals who experience the ill effects of floods. This desire is selfless and that’s why Faust is spared. He finds the most elevated feeling of life in like manner activity that is vital for everyone and that is acknowledged by everyone. Diagram a portion of the topics in Faust, and clarify one quickly. As I would like to think, it is conceivable to layout such subjects of the disaster as battle among great and wickedness that happens at worldwide and private levels, the disappointment of the human aspirations to control and to change the nature and the regular marvel, the endless inquiry of the most noteworthy feeling of life. The last subject is the principle one of the disaster, since Faust is on edge about getting total bliss. The enticements that Mephistopheles proposed to Faust couldn’t bring genuine and enduring delight. It implies that individuals can scarcely be cheerful when they depend on the things that pass soon as feeling in adoration and utilizing the force upon individuals and brilliance. Feeling in adoration is superb, yet it doesn’t ensure the satisfaction. Individuals are narrow minded and they do mischief to their closest all the time. The case of the connections among Faust and Margaret affirms this idea, in light of the fact that the fundamental character’s childish want was an explanation of Margaret passing and the homicides of her mom, youngster and sibling. Along these lines, serving to individuals is differentiated to the childish wishes of individuals. Faust was spared in light of the fact that his last deed was generous. By the case of Faust Goethe gives us that an individual consistently feel somewhere inside what is correct and what's going on however sadly it doesn’t imply that everyone finds the genuine feeling of life. Thoroughly analyze the utilizations as well as analysis of religion in Hamlet and Faust. The Hamlet’s issue contains more rational and social perspectives than strict ones. He battles with the time he lives in and attempts to improve it yet he fizzles. Fruitless endeavors of changing the world that doesn’t fit with Hamlet’s goals results his passivity and the last occasions of the disaster. Hamlet questions justified of the occasions of worldwide concern and that’s why his disposition towards religion is additionally suspicious. In his principle monolog Hamlet guesses that passing is a methods for tackling the issues of life. This idea doesn’t fit to the Christian thoughts which must be close for him. To my brain, the thoughts of â€Å"Faust†are inverse to the ones of â€Å"Hamlet†. Goethe builds up the plot of the catastrophe with the assistance of such characters as God and Mephistopheles that exhibits the authors’ influence that individuals are administered by the otherworldly substances. The way that Faust is dealing with New Testament’s interpretation likewise uncovers the possibility of consistent collaboration among individuals and God. Goethe imagines that serving to individuals and serving to God are equivalent temperances. The way that Mephistopheles couldn’t win the understanding additionally affirms the strict thought of consistent triumph of good. The principle characters of the world literature’s magnum opuses Hamlet and Faust are contrasted and each other oftentimes. Their characters are indistinguishable in light of the fact that them two attempt to battle with the world request and challenge the predetermination. Faust is going to know all the insider facts of nature and his approach to improve his own life and the entire world is logical. Shouldn't something be said about Hamlet, he expands the deplorability of his family to a worldwide scale that’s why his considerations about treachery concern his uncle as well as the human’s life. The first of demonstration of Hamlet uncovers that the phantom of his dad doles out Hamlet an equivocal obligation. What are these obligations, and utilizing the content successfully, clarify the one you think Hamlets fulfilled? In the principal demonstration Hamlet knows from the Ghost of his dad that he was executed and the Ghost requests that he retribution to Hamlet’s uncle for this homicide. However, the most significant thing while at the same time vindicating is to keep the spirit blameless: â€Å"But, howsoever thou pursuest this demonstration, Taint not thy mind, nor let thy soul imagine Against thy mother aught†¦Ã¢â‚¬ To my brain, Hamlet couldn’t execute such important conditions. At last he vengeances to Claudius, however accordingly not just Hamlet’s mother kicked the bucket. Ophelia, Laertes, Polonius additionally became casualties of the vengeance. First and foremost the Hamlet’s soul questioned about the methods of the retaliation and he experienced a ton these questions, however the perspective on warriors affects him. The warriors are going to battle in view of the land that their ruler doesn’t need to lease. The way that twenty a huge number of individuals are going to pass on the grounds that the respect of the lord is injured causes him to conclude that his contemplations and activities ought to be wicked and merciless. He can’t keep his spirit clear on the grounds that, to my psyche, his deficiency for the passings of individuals that are near him at long last wrecks his still, small voice.
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Right and Wrong of Writing
The Right and Wrong of Writing The Right and Wrong of Writing The Right and Wrong of Writing By Mark Nichol Who or what figures out what is right structure recorded as a hard copy, and what is inaccurate? Numerous countries have an official body that manages the national language to shield it from eradication or if nothing else from corruption. (France’s Academie Francaise, specifically, appears to exist fundamentally to forestall contamination of the French language by importation of English words let me know how that works out, mes amis). This fatherly security, in any case, doesn't reach out to language and accentuation and such. The United States isn't among those nations with writing police, yet our library and book shop racks moan with word references and sentence structure, use, and style manuals just as handbooks that control us in our utilization of accentuation and the Internet swarms with business as usual. These assets are not really fascinating perusing (except if you’re a word geek), yet they are commendable models in trying to do they say others should do, and they are probably going to be considerably more peruser well disposed than the fear initiating language expressions course books of our schooldays. Why, at that point, has the nature of composing declined so drastically that we may profit by an English Academy one dedicated not to language virtue (which words we use, and which ones we don’t) yet to observing the composed type of that language? The democratization of distributing is principally mindful, I think. Since, gratitude to the emotional increment in choices for organizations and associations to spread data by method of content on the web and in print, and as a result of the simplicity of independently publishing similar media manages anybody with access to them, an ever increasing number of individuals who don’t focus on such subtleties are composing and being perused, which obviously uncovered such a significant number of more individuals to the blunders. In this manner, incorrect utilization not simply in hyphenation, accentuation, spelling, and other mechanical mix-ups yet additionally in infelicities of language structure, linguistic structure, use, and other progressively significant components of composing is increased virally in light of the move in the sign to-clamor proportion: Fewer individuals are perusing thoroughly composed and altered exposition, and more individuals are perusing composing created with less consideration. This, I accept, is the offender in the decay of value in distributed composing I’ve saw throughout the years both as a proofreader and as somebody who takes a busman’s occasion each time I read for data or joy. The purpose behind the lessening in utilization of fastidiously created content is twofold. Less individuals effectively look for good composition. Yet, similarly punishable are the distributing ventures, the recent watchmen of good composition, which bargain the nature of periodicals and different productions since they demoralize work escalated rehearses important for delivering great composition, rehearses unfriendly to lean-business techniques that bring about high benefits. This issue raises an inquiry I’m astounded individuals don’t pose to all the more regularly: In the domain of composing, if such a significant number of individuals accomplish something seen as off-base or nonstandard, doesn’t that make it right? All things considered, that’s how new laws are composed and how cultural mores changes. What's more, that’s how language changes. All in all, if most of authors compose, â€Å"You and me†at the leader of a sentence rather than â€Å"you and I†(or converse their inclinations when the expression is the object of a sentence), for what reason is the previous use considered off base and the last one regarded the worthy way? The dominant part appears to tend to disagree. Since language doesn’t change direction quickly. For mental soundness to win, there must be a timeframe between shifts in rules of use and accentuation and different components of writing in which we react to â€Å"Everybody else does it†the manner in which a parent would respond to that kind of defense articulated by a stiff-necked young person: â€Å"Well, if every other person proceeded to bounce off a bluff, would you?†By a similar token, we have to admonish essayists by saying, â€Å"Well, if everyone utilizes comma joins, does that mean you should, too?†At the danger of appearing to be a severe parent, that’s why I’m going to guard my thoroughness by saying that mainstream use is definitely not a norm. It's anything but a manual. What's more, I will follow my own direction: I will stick to the guidelines (except if I have a faulty motivation to break one sometimes), and I will urge others to do likewise. Need to improve your English quickly a day? Get a membership and begin getting our composing tips and activities day by day! Continue learning! Peruse the General classification, check our well known posts, or pick a related post below:75 Synonyms for â€Å"Angry†50 Idioms About Meat and Dairy ProductsPreposition Mistakes #3: Two Idioms
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Expository Essay Outline All You Need to Know
Expository Essay Outline All You Need to Know Expository essays are a preferred assignment used for various exams, such as SATs and the like. Just as other approaches (or modes of discourse), i.e., Description, Narration and Argumentation, expository writing has its own set of rules that one should follow in writing. Even though often confused with research writing, expository writing does not require as much depth in research. However, it does have the purpose of presenting an idea and then supporting it with evidence. Here we will take a closer look at how to write an outline for expository essay and provide other useful information that will help students master this assignment. What is an expository essay? An expository essay is an academic piece designed to investigate a certain scientific idea and illustrate it with evidence. Different techniques can be used for such illustration, compare and contrast being one of the most frequently used. Others include definition, providing examples, etc. The key elements of an expository essay Even though a standalone genre, an expository essay does not differ that much from other types of academic writing. It includes all the main elements â€" a thesis statement, a three-part structure, a list of sources used, and clear transitions between paragraphs. The rules of thesis writing for expository essay The best practices of thesis writing apply to expository essays as well. A thesis that you choose for your essay should be: Narrow so that you could focus on a certain area and avoid scattering your efforts across multiple fields. The only limit here should be availability of information â€" if your thesis statement is too narrow, you won’t be able to find enough information to base your research on. Relevant, so that it matches the prompt that you have received to write the assignment. If you roam too far away from the topic, you risk lowering your grade. Up-to-date for applicable fields. This rule does not apply if you are writing an expository essay in, say, history, but it should apply for all the sciences that deal with urgent issues, such as sociology. Succinct to be put in a single sentence. Debatable, which means opposing points of view should exist and they should not be in absolute minority. It’s absolutely normal to go through several iterations of your thesis statement before you reach the one that will be used in the paper. How to write introduction for expository essay Your thesis statement, as is the case with other papers, will be presented in the first part of your paper â€" the introduction. There are a few things that you should keep in mind when writing this chapter: It is better to write the introduction after you write all the other chapters, because then you will have a better idea of what should be included in it. The thesis statement comes around the end of the first paragraph of your introduction. Prepare the reader to your thesis statement â€" don’t assault them from the very beginning. Use attention hooks that will make sure your reader becomes interested in what you have to say and continues reading. The most frequently used attention hooks are quotations, statistics, and anecdotes. How to write the body for expository essay Body paragraphs in your expository essay should provide evidential support for your thesis statement. In writing them, stick to these best practices: Reserve each paragraph for each argument. The number of paragraphs in your body should indicate the number of arguments you have. Start every paragraph with a summarizing sentence. In other words, the evidential support should be presented in a summarized way in the first sentence with the rest of the paragraph reserved for elaborations and details. It helps to make your writing more comprehensible for readers. Every paragraph should be like a small article of its own. Ideally, it should be possible to change the sequence of paragraphs without losing much sense. Provide transitions between paragraphs so that the reader could understand how one idea arises from another one. Don’t be afraid to add a little bit of creativity to your body paragraphs so that your readers are entertained at least a bit. How to write a conclusion for an expository essay The conclusion chapter is one of the most difficult ones because students often simply reiterate what they have already said in the main part or, which is even worse, repeat their thesis statement. What should be done, however, is revisiting the thesis statement in view of the arguments provided in the body paragraphs. Best practices for conclusion writing include: Do not introduce any new information in your conclusion â€" it should elaborate on what has already been said. Do not restate your thesis statement. Map possible areas for further research. Write the conclusion after you wrote other chapters. Outline template for expository essay If you are struggling with an outline for your expository essay, here is a template to use: Introduction (1 page, a thesis statement is in the first paragraph) Body paragraph 1 â€" Evidential support summarized in the first sentence + details Body paragraph 2 Evidential support summarized in the first sentence + details Body paragraph 3 Evidential support summarized in the first sentence + details Conclusion â€" revisiting the body paragraphs and the thesis statement on their basis. This, of course, is the simplest expository essay outline that you could possible use. However, even with additional paragraphs and details, the fundamental structure will remain the same. So if you want to elaborate, take this as your starting point and build on it. General recommendations about writing an expository essay Here is some general advice on how you can simplify the writing process: Always review the assignment several times before you even start writing. It is all too often that students realize they have been answering the wrong question when there is almost no time left. Read it twice, then put it aside, and then read once again. Ask for a consult if needed. Always plan your time. As any other paper, an expository essay will require you to research sources, outline, draft, and edit. It all takes a lot of time and so should not be taken lightly. Spend half an hour planning and you might as well save hours of time and spare yourself lots of worrying. Ask a different person for review if possible. It is easy to miss the mistakes that you have made if you are proofreading by yourself. A different person has higher chances of spotting grammar mistakes, typos, and even logical flaws. Edit ruthlessly. The best kind of content, academic or otherwise, is born out of ruthless and extensive editing. If parts of your writing don’t fit the general writing, then you should drop them without mercy. Additional paragraphs of text, even nicely written and elaborately inserted, usually clutter your paper and prevent readers from understanding fully what you are trying to say. If something seems out of place, good chances are it is out of place. In general, writing an expository essay is not that difficult â€" you just need to get organized, plan your efforts, and not shy off research and hard work. With all those components, the result might be even better than you could expect.
Sunday, June 21, 2020
ethnography of religion- Buddhism - 275 Words
ethnography of religion- Buddhism (Essay Sample) Content: Studentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Name Professorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Name Course Date Mid-Autumn Festival in Thien Hau Temple Introduction During my research, I have attended a festival in the Los Angelesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s downtown Thien Hau Temple. I have discovered great atmosphere as well as the amazing people in the community and their traditions. Research methods: observation, participation, conversation, informal interview. I have decided to visit the Thien Hau Temple as a part of my research and discover the authentic Buddhist rituals. This temple is located in the Chinatown of Los Angeles, the busy, crowded place full of tourists who are seeking for the great atmosphere of Chinese culture. Back in the 1980s, it used to be a small Italian Christian church, but with the help of strong Chinese community, outside and inside the USA, they have purchased the building and were able to raise the right amount of donated money to construct the Buddhist temple that we see today. The construction was finished in September 2005, and it opened the doors for anyone who wanted to pray or discover the place ("Thien Hau Temple" n.p.). This temple is dedicated to the Mazu, the native goddess of the sea. Among other gods that this temple warships are Guan Yu and Fu De. Guan Yu was a significant figure in the civil war; sometimes he is called the god of war. Fu De is known to be a local earth god that is worshiped in Chin a. It was incredible to find that the Chinese and Vietnamese people are celebrating the mid-autumn festival in September, some call it the Moon Cake Day, and the temple will gather many people to celebrate the event. Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional festival celebrated all over China and Vietnam. People make sacrifices to the moon, as it is believed, that moon changes the season as well as the harvest (Kelly n.p.). I brought my friend along, who is very interested in Buddhism and was glad to keep me a company. We have arrived at the temple early, though there were quite many people it was surprising quiet outside, unlike in any part of the Chinatown. The temple itself was remarkable; it was smaller than I have expected and as the pictures would show, however, the exterior had a significant effect on both of us. This was the first time I have seen something like this; the architecture does not resemble any of the saint places I have been to before. It is humble unlike some of the Christian temples, which I guess resemble the great sublimity of one God. The artwork outside of the temple is beautiful, and the front faÃÆ' §ade is furnished with red oval-shaped lanterns. Lanterns are one of those acknowledged symbols of China that nowadays only serve as means of expression regarding design and functionality. That is what we have discovered during our conversation with a community member. On the p orch, there were statues of dragons and pictures of two men dressed in festive gowns covered in gold on the doors. The temple has many gold features, but they do not look vulgar or inappropriate, in fact, they just add to the feeling of the divine origin of the place. When we entered the temple, there were many Chinese and Vietnamese people and it was loud as they were speaking in their language. They were very aroused and spoke loud and quickly. Most of the people were dressed casually without any traditional clothing involved. The people brought families with them, as we later discovered, this was a part of the tradition of this particular event. There were a lot of professional photographers and tourists with cameras walking around. As we entered, we saw the sign that said to take eleven incense. They were in bundles beneath and above was a map of all the sacred spots in the temple to pray to. The candles burn all around the place for people to light the incense and take them to the gods for worshipping and praying. Some of the statues had altars for incense and, as we have noticed, some only accepted fruit. The altars have flowers around statues and shining lamps. There were also people who wrote notes of good wishes and luck and pinned them. The interior looks cosmic; large chandeliers hang from the patterned sealing where the lotus flower is painted. Also, little old-fashioned flashlights dropped from the sides with little red pieces of cloth that had symbols on them. The environment was very comforting; people are polite and welcoming to any stranger that eagers to explore the culture. We were lucky to find a person who would speak to us openly about the event and the community itself. Gloria is one of those many people who came with her family to celebrate the mid-autumn festival. Gloria told us that the family members gather on this day together to offer a sacrifice to the moon, eat the moon cakes together, and express an intense longing for the family members and friends who live afar by prayers. It is the second most important event after the New Year for Chinese people. She said that in China children tend to sing and dance with their masks and drums on this festival, however, it is not the same here. Though the tradition is similar, people restrain from the essential rituals here. There is no specific dress code for this event, however, in China, some women wear traditional chongsman during the day. We have followed Gloria to the side area where the community has a kitchen. Almost all tables were full with people and food. One major tradition of all families is to eat moon cakes. They are round-shaped muffins stuffed with beans, however, some of the recipes may vary. We have also seen strange animal-shaped cakes presumably made for children. There was an aura of reverence and calm in the room. Everyone shared the cakes with family members; some were drinking ...
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Globalization and Lower Living Standards for Americans...
Kofi Annan, a UN diplomat, once said,â€Å"...that arguing against globalization is like arguing against the laws of gravity.†He is undoubtedly correct in this assessment. Indeed, globalization is no longer something to be skeptical of, it is very real and is changing our world exponentially. The affects of globalization, however, continue to be a heated topic for debate. Proponents praise the overall economic lift provided by free trade, the diffusion of cultures, and the spread of democracy and capitalism. Critics cry foul at the loss of national identity, the accelerated and uncontrolled use of natural resources, and the redistribution of wealth into the hands of a few very powerful people and corporations. Globalization is a†¦show more content†¦If it had not been for the increasing awareness of other cultures brought about by globalization Yoga would never have grown to the fad it is today. This prevalence of global fads can be seen in many ways, especia lly in entertainment and technology. When I was younger I regularly read Japanese manga comics. These comics, long popular in Japan, only recently became popular in America due to the proliferation of American fan translations on the internet. Through manga I learned a lot of Japanese culture and found hours of entertainment that I would not have experienced otherwise. As with the entertainment of Japanese comics, I also play several video games designed in Japan and regularly use technology such as the Sony Playstation. In fact, the computer I type on is of Korean origin. Without globalization these parts of my life would be quite different. The prevalence of technology and ideas can only have a positive impact on the world and my life. The more minds in the world that can cooperatively work to improve our lives the better. My life has definitely been impacted by this aspect of globalization and I am grateful for it. How many hours of enjoyment have I gotten from international ent ertainment, how much easier does my computer make my life? These things are not immediately quantifiable, but I can be sure that I would rather have these experiences and technologies than to have missed out on them. In addition to the affects of globalization on my lifeShow MoreRelatedThe Pros and Cons of Globalization Essay963 Words  | 4 Pages It is debated whether globalization is an advantage or disadvantage to our society. Everyday you hear it on the news, you read it in the newspaper, and you overhear people talking about it and in every single instance the word globalization seems to have a different meaning. Globalization is the process by which a business or company becomes international or starts to operate on an international level such like the rise of the so-called global economy. It can also bring the world closer throughRead MorePositive and Negative Impacts of Globalization1256 Words  | 5 PagesGlobalization Globalization Arguments Favoring Globalization This essay discusses the positive and negative impacts of globalization. Because people are more connected globally than ever before, the process of globalization continues, creating sweeping economic changes. Inevitably, some people and some countries will benefit from globalization, and others will suffer from its effects. This essay discusses those effects. Globalization describes the increasing economic integration that occursRead MoreGlobalization Essay1663 Words  | 7 PagesGlobalization essay Globalization is the trend towards a single, integrated, and interdependent world. Some humans may not even realize globalization plays a part in our modern lives, but examples that may be classified as evidence of this trend include: the ability to buy products from dining cuisines belonging to myriad of different ethnical cultures, a joint project in which a multinational group of astronauts are sent to the moon, the visit of a Canadian circus troupe to China, the establishmentRead MoreThe Positive and Negative Effects of Globalization1570 Words  | 7 PagesThe Positive and Negative Effects of Globalization Is Globalization ultimately positive or negative, or somewhere in between? I believe it depends on who you ask the question, and how it affects their life. For myself, I can’t get passed the negative way it has impacted my life and others around me in the same situation. Those of us who have lost our jobs and livelihood and are now labeled as â€Å"the long term unemployed†have seen our jobs eliminated and outsourced overseas; find it hard toRead MoreThe Pros and Cons of Globalization Essay1680 Words  | 7 PagesGlobalization. Everyday you hear it on the news, you read it in the newspaper, and you overhear people talking about it- and in every single instance the word globalization seems to have a different meaning. When I hear of globalization I think of the whole world coming close together in all phases. I tend to think that we as human beings are breaking down barriers that have been protected or guarded. For instance, I initially thought of the progress we are making in the communication aspect. SoRead MoreThe Global Economy Has Changed Over Time953 Words  | 4 Pagesmaterials. The standards of living rose as did the wages of people because of international trade, however, those changes were most evident in the industrial countries. â€Å"By the end of the nineteenth century, economic growth had been sufficiently rapid in the industrial countries that the world had bifurcated in terms of living standards and rates of economic growth†(Krueger, 2006) Prior to the trade restriction and tariff changes, which occurred in the 20th century the standard of living was not significantlyRead MoreWhat is Globalization?895 Words  | 4 Pages What is Globalization? Globalization is growth to a global or worldwide scale. It is a series of several processes; One of which being a process of economic interactions and integrations between companies and governments of different nations. Countries engage in international trade aided by technology and other sources of information, Such as the internet and other means of communication. Economic interactions are interactions that have effects on the environment, culture, political systemsRead MoreNo Logo Critique1289 Words  | 6 Pagesbeen championing globalization using the reasons that globalization allows U.S. consumers to benefit from cheaper products produced abroad, while developing nations benefit from the economic growth stimulated by foreign investments. The generally accepted belief is that governmental policies should be established in favor of the corporations to facilitate the trickling down of corporate profits to the end consumers and workers abroad. Klein, however, contends that globalization rarely benefit theRead MoreGlobalization : A Benefit For America1343 Words  | 6 PagesGlobalization: A Benefit to America Globalization. What is it exactly? And why is there so much debate and controversy surrounding it? This topic has sparked protests all over the world. Like with many other topics, some support globalization and what it has accomplished. Others have hatred and believe it should not exist. Why do some people believe that globalization is an essential process and helps the economy immensely, while others see it as the root of pure evil and destruction? The answerRead MoreThe Economic And Social Effects Of Globalization On Jamaica1140 Words  | 5 Pagesthe economic and social effects of globalization on Jamaica. The movie mainly describes the affects of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank’s structural adjustment programs. While these funds are created to help developing countries become more developed, the documentary shows how the reforms were not successful in Jamaica and put the country in debt. This paper will discuss the portrayal of globalization in the do cumentary, and how globalization can affect people through different
Monday, May 18, 2020
What Did Benjamin Franklin Contribute To America - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1245 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/06/10 Category History Essay Level High school Topics: Benjamin Franklin Essay Did you like this example? This paper will examine four main things Benjamin Franklin did to contribute in making America what it is today. First it will explain the treaties he signed to help give America their independence. Secondly it will explain how he ended slavery. Thirdly it will explain how he discovered electricity. Lastly how his printing business affected America. In 1754, at a gathering of frontier agents in Albany, New York, Franklin proposed an arrangement for joining the settlements under a national congress. Although his Albany Plan was rejected, it helped lay the preparation for the Articles of Confederation, which turned into the principal constitution of the Unified States when confirmed in 1781. In 1757, Franklin made a trip to London as a delegate of the Pennsylvania Get together, to which he was chosen in 1751. More than quite a long while, he attempted to settle a duty question and different issues including relatives of William Penn (1644-1718), the proprietors of the province of Pennsylvania. After a concise period back in the U.S., Franklin lived fundamentally in London until 1775. While he was abroad, the English government started, in the mid-1760s, to force a progression of administrative measures to declare more prominent command over its American states. In 1766, Franklin affirmed in the English Parliament against the Stamp Demonstration of 1765, which necessitated that every single authoritative record, daily papers, books, playing cards and other written words in the American provinces convey an assessment stamp. Even though the Stamp Demonstration was canceled in 1766, extra administrative measures pursued, prompting regularly expanding enemy of English estimation and possible equipped uprising by the American settlers. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "What Did Benjamin Franklin Contribute To America?" essay for you Create order Franklin came back to Philadelphia in May 1775, not long after the Progressive War (1775-83) had started and was chosen to fill in as a representative to the Second Mainland Congress, Americas administering body at the time. In 1776, he was a piece of the five-part advisory group that helped draft the Presentation of Autonomy, in which the 13 American settlements pronounced their opportunity from English guideline. That same year, Congress sent Franklin to France to enroll that countrys assistance with the Progressive War. In February 1778, the French marked a military partnership with America and proceeded to give fighters, supplies and cash that demonstrated basic to Americas triumph in the war. As clergyman to France beginning in 1778, Franklin arranged and draft the 1783 Bargain of Paris that finished the Progressive War. After Franklin came back from France in 1785, he joined and in the long run moved toward becoming leader of an abolitionist amass established 10 years sooner by the Pennsylvania Quakers. The gathering was known as the General public for Advancing the Nullification of Subjugation and the Alleviation of Negroes Unlawfully Held in Servitude. Franklin was persuaded that the slave exchange, as well as subjection itself ought to be wiped out. He in the long run liberated his very own two slaves. Franklin perceived that liberated slaves couldnt battle for themselves without help, so he propelled the possibility that slaves should have been instructed with the end goal to wind up contributing individuals from a free society. In his situation of leader of the abolitionist society, Franklin composed and distributed a Deliver to People in general, in which he tended to the training of previous slaves. The arrangement was to teach, to prompt, to qualify the individuals who have been reestablished to opportunity, for the activity and satisfaction in common freedom; to advance in them propensities for industry, to outfit them with business suited to their age, sex, gifts, and different conditions. . . which we imagine will basically advance people in general great, and the satisfaction of these heretofore much disregarded individual animals. Retirement enabled him to focus on open administration and furthermore seek after more completely his long-lasting enthusiasm for science. During the 1740s, he directed investigations that added to the comprehension of power, and developed the lightning pole, which shielded structures from flames caused by lightning. In 1752, he directed his celebrated kite test and shown that lightning is power. His thought was about electricity and lightning. Franklin saw very few likenesses between the two: They both made light, made noisy accidents when they detonated, were pulled in to metal, had a specific smell, and thats only the tip of the iceberg. In view of these perceptions, Franklin thought power and lightning were a similar thing. A couple of individuals shared his conviction, yet nobody had ever tried it. Franklin additionally instituted various power related terms, including battery, charge and conductor. Notwithstanding power, Franklin examined various points, including sea flows, meteorology, reasons for the normal chilly and refrigeration. He built up the Franklin stove, which given more warmth while utilizing less fuel than different stoves, and bifocal eyeglasses, which consider separation and perusing use. In the mid-1760s, Franklin developed a melodic instrument called the glass armonica. Writers, for example, Ludwig Beethoven (1770-1827) and Wolfgang Mozart (1756-91) composed music for Franklins armonica; be that as it may, by the early piece of the nineteenth century, the once-well known instrument had dropped out of utilization. Franklinrs printing business prospered, he became increasingly involved in civic affairs. Starting in the 1730s, Franklin needed to grow his business past Philadelphia. His thought was to extend by advancing his best laborers and setting them up with a printing shop. He would pay for the lease and give the printing gear in return for 33% of the benefits for time of 6 years and the accomplice would give the work. Toward the finish of the 6-year term the accomplice had the alternative to work autonomously by obtaining the hardware from Franklin or keep up the organization. Franklin had established the primary business establishment framework in the Americas. He helped establish a number of community organizations in Philadelphia, including a lending library (it was founded in 1731, a time when books werent widely available in the colonies, and remained the largest U.S. public library until the 1850s), the cityrs first fire company, a police patrol and the American Philosophical Societ y, a group devoted to the sciences and other scholarly pursuits. Franklin also organized the Pennsylvania militia, raised funds to build a city hospital and spearheaded a program to pave and light city streets. Additionally, Franklin was instrumental in the creation of the Academy of Philadelphia, a college which opened in 1751 and became known as the University of Pennsylvania in 1791. Franklin also was a key figure in the colonial postal system. In 1737, the British appointed him postmaster of Philadelphia, and he went on to become, in 1753, joint postmaster general for all the American colonies. In this role he instituted various measures to improve mail service; however, the British dismissed him from the job in 1774 because he was deemed too sympathetic to colonial interests. In July 1775, the Continental Congress appointed Franklin the first postmaster general of the United States, giving him authority over all post offices from Massachusetts to Georgia. He held this position until November 1776, when he was succeeded by his son-in-law. The first U.S. postage stamps, issued on July 1, 1847, featured images of Benjamin Franklin and George Washington. Benjamin Franklin was an Establishing Father and a polymath, designer, researcher, printer, government official, freemason and negotiator. Franklin drafted the Statement of Autonomy and the U.S. Constitution, and he arranged the 1783 Bargain of Paris finishing the Progressive War. His logical interests included examinations concerning power, arithmetic and mapmaking. An essayist known for his mind and astuteness, Franklin additionally distributed Poor Richards Chronological registry, created bifocal glasses and sorted out the primary fruitful American loaning library.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Review on Confessions of a Mask Essay - 1405 Words
Masks and alternate identity is a major theme in Mishima Yukios Confessions of a Mask. The narrator believes that throughout his youth, he had been playing a role on a stage to hide his real self. However, contrary to what the narrator claims, throughout the novel, he is not playing the role of another personality. He is simply hiding. It is only in the conclusion, when the when the war is over, and the need for order and principle and everyday life is restored, that he finally sees the creation of his other identity Ââ€" the masculine figure that conforms to the societys idea of men. Before he reaches puberty, the narrator is oblivious to the differences between his peers and himself Ââ€" he simply assumes that everybody else is just†¦show more content†¦He then has his misconception that he is the only boy who has the complexity to wear a mask. Instead, he comes to believe that their appearance and action perfectly conformed to what they really are. While his peers could be their natural selves, he must put on a mask and gain control over [his] consciousness. And thus he comes to realize that the difference that separates him from his peers, other than his sexual orientation, is the mask and the secret, shameful portion of [his] mind that hides behind it. Contrary to his belief, the narrator does not have a mask on. Although the narrator believes in a misconception that he is ‘playing the role of a boy, when in fact, what he considers to be a mask is simply his body and his male appearance. The narrator is never in a real need to ‘play a role because nobody really actively tries to find out who he really is. His peers, based on his appearance, all assume that he shares the same sexual orientation as they do. Furthermore, the male body, for the narrator, the male body has significance in the narrators mind. With their perfect, muscular body, Omi, St. Sebastian, and Yakumo all have the definition of the perfection of life and manhood. To the narrator, the body is not only a manifestation of manliness, it is the embodiment of the untamedShow MoreRelatedEssay about Foreshadowing Fate in Cask Of Amontillado1508 Words  | 7 PagesForeshadowing the Fate in The Cask of Amontillado In Cask of Amontillado, Edgar Allan Poe presents a murderous tale of revenge revealed as the confession of a man who murdered another man over fifty years ago because of an insult. During a carnival festival, the murderer led his companion to the catacombs where he buried the man alive. The charter of Montresor lures his victim, Fortunato with the promise of a fine sherry, amontillado. As Poe’s character of Montresor guides the wine connoisseurRead MoreCask of Amontillado1545 Words  | 7 PagesForeshadowing the Fate in â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†In â€Å"Cask of Amontillado,†Edgar Allan Poe presents a murderous tale of revenge revealed as the confession of a man who murdered another man over fifty years ago because of an â€Å"insult.†During a carnival festival, the murderer led his companion to the catacombs where he buried the man alive. The charter of Montresor lures his victim, Fortunato with the promise of a fine sherry, amontillado. As Poe’s character of Montresor guides the wine connoisseurRead MoreSuch a Good Boy: How a Pampered Sons Greed Led to Murder: Summary2429 Words  | 10 PagesMuir and Cousins. Darren hired lawyers for the three youths, which fueled the suspicions. Then, after a period of questioning, the police made a move. They moved on David Muir, finding inconsistencies in his stories. David cracked; he gave a full confession. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald - 1628 Words
The point that I am going to talk about the story The Great Gatsby is the way they took care of materialistic things all through the story. A vital topic of The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is riches and the procedure of achieving it. This longing for material riches and belonging is known as realism. Jay Gatsby and Daisy Buchanan are both amazingly materialistic and put a great deal of quality into the belonging and abundance of a man while Nick Carraway doesn t show any materialistic cravings and complements the complexity between characters. Gatsby s realism is driven by his yearning for riches. He adores the thought of Daisy since she is the encapsulation of riches and the perfect way of life of ceaseless overabundance. Daisy then again speaks to a definitive materialistic way of life. She doesn t have the same aching as Gatsby since she was naturally introduced to a privileged family. Rather she underestimates inordinate living and is entranced with all things lavish on t he grounds that she needs to keep up the riches she has and never lose it. Scratch is the special case to the guideline. He stresses the divergence in the middle of himself and Gatsby or Daisy. He is the control to whom Gatsby and Daisy can be thought about. Gatsby s fundamental craving in this novel is to win Daisy again from Tom and to have her everything to him. Before he even meets Daisy, he effectively needed to end up well off in any capacity he can and carry on with an alternate lifeShow MoreRelatedThe Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald1393 Words  | 6 PagesF. Scott Fitzgerald was the model of the American image in the nineteen twenties. He had wealth, fame, a beautiful wife, and an adorable daughter; all seemed perfect. Beneath the gilded faà §ade, however, was an author who struggled with domestic and physical difficulties that plagued his personal life and career throughout its short span. This author helped to launch the theme that is so prevalent in his work; the human instinct to yearn for more, into the forefront of American literature, where itRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1343 Words  | 6 PagesHonors English 10 Shugart 18 Decemeber 2014 The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald s 1925 novel The Great Gatsby is a tragic love story, a mystery, and a social commentary on American life. The Great Gatsby is about the lives of four wealthy characters observed by the narrator, Nick Carroway. Throughout the novel a mysterious man named Jay Gatsby throws immaculate parties every Saturday night in hope to impress his lost lover, Daisy Buchanan. Gatsby lives in a mansion on West Egg across from DaisyRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1155 Words  | 5 PagesThe Great Gatsby The Jazz Age was an era where everything and anything seemed possible. It started with the beginning of a new age with America coming out of World War I as the most powerful nation in the world (Novel reflections on, 2007). As a result, the nation soon faced a culture-shock of material prosperity during the 1920’s. Also known as the â€Å"roaring twenties†, it was a time where life consisted of prodigality and extravagant parties. Writing based on his personal experiences, author F. ScottRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1166 Words  | 5 Pagesin the Haze F. Scott Fitzgerald lived in a time that was characterized by an unbelievable lack of substance. After the tragedy and horrors of WWI, people were focused on anything that they could that would distract from the emptiness that had swallowed them. Tangible greed tied with extreme materialism left many, by the end of this time period, disenchanted. The usage of the literary theories of both Biographical and Historical lenses provide a unique interpretation of the Great Gatsby centered aroundRead MoreThe Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald845 Words  | 3 PagesIn F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel, The Great Gatsby, colors represent a variety of symbols that relate back to the American Dream. The dream of being pure, innocent and perfect is frequently associated with the reality of corruption, violence, and affairs. Gatsby’s desire for achieving the American Dream is sought for through corruption (Schneider). The American Dream in the 1920s was perceived as a desire of w ealth and social standings. Social class is represented through the East Egg, the WestRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald Essay970 Words  | 4 Pagesrespecting and valuing Fitzgerald work in the twenty-first century? Fitzgerald had a hard time to profiting from his writing, but he was not successful after his first novel. 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Correctional Officer Free Essays
University of Phoenix Material Assignment: Reliable Sources Worksheet Due Week 6 Day 7 (Sunday) Post to [Assignment section of eCampus Page] as an attachment Locate three sources in the University Library on a topic of your choice. Refer to the University Library tutorial for information about finding sources. Provide the required information for each sources. We will write a custom essay sample on Correctional Officer or any similar topic only for you Order Now Complete the Reliable Sources Worksheet †¢ Answer each question in complete and clear sentences using an academic tone (use formal language, eliminate contractions, and capitalize the word â€Å"I†). Be sure to provide detailed responses (100 words). †¢ Post the assignment as a Microsoft ® Word attachment to the Assignment section of your eCampus page by Week 6 Day 7 (Sunday). †¢ Post the Certificate of Originality (located in the Course Materials forum) to the Assignment section of your eCampus page when you post your assignment. Important: Be sure to review the grading rubric, provided in the Course Materials forum, which shows the point distribution for each element of the assignment. Source 1 Author: Date: Title: Publication: Peer Reviewed? What words did you use to find this article? What type of article is this (research, summary, reflection, essay, etc. )? Did this article include an abstract? Summarize the article (100 words) Source 2 Author: Date: Title: Publication: Peer Reviewed? What words did you use to find this article? What type of article is this (research, summary, reflection, essay, etc. )? Did this article include an abstract? Summarize the article (100 words) Source 3 Author: Date: Title: Publication: Peer Reviewed? What words did you use to find this article? What type of article is this (research, summary, reflection, essay, etc. )? Did this article include an abstract? Summarize the article (100 words) Respond to each of the following questions: What is an abstract? How is an abstract helpful in refining your search? (100 to 150 words) An abstract is a thought or an idea but not having a physical existing. How do these articles contribute to its relevancy of the topic/search? (100 to 150 words) What makes these scholarly articles? How current is their information? How quickly does information in this topic change? How can you tell if a source is reliable or credible? (100 to 150 words) How do these articles reflect bias on the authors’ part? If so, what is the bias? If not, explain why you think they do not reflect bias. (100 to 150 words) What support options does the library offer that will help you in writing papers, doing research, and achieving your academic goals? (100 to 150 words) How to cite Correctional Officer, Papers
The Feminist Mom free essay sample
I bit my lip. This is so unfair! Why did this beautiful person, my moms best friend, have to die? A mother of ten, she had lived an amazing life. For the past six years she had battled breast cancer, an example of fortitude for all who had known her. Since our families were so close, I had seen how this woman had given herself completely to her children. I cried as I heard her childrens grateful testimonies for such a wonderful, self-giving mother. As I watched this display of love for a mother so similar to mine, I thought how lucky I was to have my mother alive and well. Reflecting on my life, I realized that in many ways my values are the same as hers. I have received a rich inheritance which includes, above all, a deep love for family. In fact, for my mom, the challenge of raising a big family has actually enabled her to succeed. We will write a custom essay sample on The Feminist Mom or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page By her example, my mom has taught me to live life to the fullest, regardless of its self-sacrifice. Being the second oldest of eleven, I can remember the excitement of my mothers last three pregnancies. Last fall, I had an incredibly busy schedule. As the captain of the soccer team, photo editor of the yearbook, and class president, I boldly pursued my love of drama and participated in two plays. I did not realize how little time I had for my family until production week of the second show. The night of dress rehearsal, I came home around eleven, dead tired, but determined to finish my homework. As I turned on the kitchen lights I noticed an envelope perched on the table addressed to me from my mother. I felt a tinge of disappointment remembering she was away and would miss my performance. It was a Break A Leg card. The beginning of the letter was merely newsy, and I could not help wondering why she was writing. Toward the end, I came to the line God is once more entrusting a soul to us I reread the preceding sentence. Our family is going to be quite busy in the spring. My mother was three months pregnant! I couldnt believe it. Such joy sprung from my heart that I could not help but cry! I admired this woman for thinking so little of herself, who worked her hardest and then gave more. I couldnt contain my emotions and effortlessly wrote an eight-page letter to a good friend and still had the energy to finish my homework. As I wrote my friend, I suddenly thought with sadness how the rest of society would react to my mothers pregnancy. Most of my friends would not understand my joy for a new brother or sister or my admiration for the woman who would bring this child into the world. Other peoples criticisms and the word overpopulation ran through my head. Some feminists would declare my mothers children a hindrance to her career. Being one of these obstacles, I realized my mothers accomplishment was indeed in making her role as a mother an amazing career. Most of society lives out Emersons well known quote from Self Reliance, For nonconformity the world whips you with its displeasure. In raising a large family, she is going against what society now labels as normal. Yet my mother has grown strong in her inevitable whipping. Despite societys displeasure, she is satisfied with her life in loving and caring for her family. Defying much feminist theory, she has actually become her own individual by not thinking of herself, but of others. The generosity and hard work my mother displays is something that I hope to accomplish in my own life during and after college. I have great visions of becoming an engineer like my grandfather and solving the enigmas of the world, but no less great an achievement would be to become an ordinary heroine like my mother.
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Women in the 1920s free essay sample
The Nineteenth Amendment, passed in 1919, guarantees all American women the right to vote. The struggle to achieve this milestone was a long and difficult one, beginning win the 1800s with petitioning and picketing (ourdocuments. gov). Although, once it was passed, women felt a sigh of relief, as their voices were finally heard, just in time for a new era that was the 1920s. The 1920s were a time of questioning and contradictions when people, especially women, questioned the ideals of society, leading to conflicts in areas such as religion and politics among others and conflicts between modernists and fundamentalists. Ever since the Nineteenth Amendment passed in 1919, so many doors opened for women. They felt that their voices could finally be heard. It boosted a newfound confidence that made women feel like they could take a part in this culture change. Also advancing in this time period was Science. New discoveries were made, such as methods for birth control. We will write a custom essay sample on Women in the 1920s or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Since women did feel more freedom to express themselves and share their ideas, the modern woman’s pleas for relief from constant childbearing was heard and accepted by many women who faced the same problems. Margaret Sanger, a supporter of the Birth Control movement, writes, â€Å"Thousands of letters are sent to me every year by mothers†¦ All of them voice desperate appeals for deliverance from the bondage of enforced maternity†(Hoffman, 202). She then goes on to write a volume of letters from women, asking, or rather, begging for her advice and information about birth control. This newfound freedom of expression also felt more comfortable with the power of their sexuality. Women drank and smoked, as well as talk politics, with men, and â€Å"though few women became politicians, millions became flappers. In six years, hemlines went from ankle, where they had been for centuries, to the knee†(Hoffman, 193). Paula S. Fass writes in her essay, â€Å"Sex and Youth in the Jazz Age†, that â€Å"the new attention to sexuality colored a whole range of related behavior†¦ as the fact of freer association between the sexes was accompanied by a basic commitment to freedom of expression†(Hoffman, 210). This led to, as some saw it, major conflicts within social ideals and traditional teachings. For example, because birth control was such a radical idea and did not follow the traditional teachings, Margaret Sanger defends herself and the movement by saying, â€Å"At times I have been discouraged and disheartened by the deliberate misrepresentation of the Birth Control movement by the opponents, and by the crude tactics used to combat it. But at such moments invariably comes back into my mind the vision of the enslaved and supplicant mothers of America (Hoffman 202). Although there were forces repelling against the new era of the 1920s and all the new ideas that came with it, most people saw these changes as progressive. They saw the 1920s as an opportunity to take a step forward, which is why the modernist way of thinking prevailed and progressed to later decades. Women were clearly the defining aspect to the new era of the 1920s.
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
First They Killed My Father free essay sample
First They Killed My Father First They Killed My Father demonstrates that when people live in constant fear they begin to live only for themselves. Discuss, the constant fear, which is portrayed by the Ung family, is one which would push any person who experienced this to only fend for themselves, as it is the only way to survive. Human adaptability is clearly shown in the text through Pas sense to become friendly with the chief and the base people, which is a source of procuring enough food for his family. The parents of teenagers understand that if the young women are not sent away the soldiers will have their way with them, no matter what, and if the young men are not sent away they will be forcefully conscripted into the Angkar army. Therefore the parents are unselfishly helping their offspring to survive, while placing their own lives at risk. We will write a custom essay sample on First They Killed My Father or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The biggest rule that the Angkar enforce is that anything that you own, is the communitys also. To survive, this rule needs to be broken, as there is not enough food Ma and Pa weighed up the options and decided that they could see a future in their children and therefore sacrificed themselves to give their own flesh and blood a chance in the big, wide world. As the source of sustenance, dwindled Ma became more anxious and reckless in her quest for extra pabulum. Humans are compelled to pursue survival, it is the ultimate, and we need all the help of others to obtain this goal. She was too negligent to notice she had walked directly into a trap. Everyone realizes this and knows to hide any extra food they may have. That is how starvation will blind you and control your thoughts and impulses. This is not unlike parents nowadays sacrificing many privileges just to provide their progeny with a superb, prominent education. Pa understood the way that power hungry leaders worked, he knew that money, jewels and greed would pull strings and allow him extra food. Ma and Pa comprehend this as they force Khouy to marry early and against his will. The novel First They Killed My Father provides evidence, which implies that the feelings of an individual are the deciding factor when concluding on your survival. The Angkar attempted this controlled environment. Who of us has actually had to do this in a tightly regimented, unknown environment? The world, as we know it, may be ordered but is a controlled environment. Khouy cannot see that if he doesnt marry, then the Angkar will conscript him to fight the Vietnamese. Ma knew this as well so she sent her son to marry a girl from another village and although they moved to another concentration camp she knew her son would be safe. I pick this quote from the book because I think its powerful but sad, Their black pajama clothes are soaked with blood, urine, feces, and small white matter. The soldiers stand behind the new group of prisoners, casually smoking a cigarette with one hand, while the other holds onto a big hammer with clumps of hair sticking on its head. Pg-106 this showed that although the soldiers did this they didn’t think twice at all to how the people would feel and didn’t care what happened to them anyways. First They Killed My Father free essay sample First They Killed my Father In Phnom Penh a little girl named Loung and her family had to leave everything behind because of the Khmer Rouge soldiers. Loung Ung wrote a book of her life in Cambodia and three themes for the book are confusion, pain, and hope. This book is called First They Killed My Father and the song I chose that goes with the book is called Gone too soon by Daughtry. For the song I choose three parts from the book. The parts include when Loung had memories of when she was little and was forced to leave her home, when Keav dies and Loung misses her, and finally when Loung loses her mother. Loung and her family were enjoying their time until the soldiers came and made them leave everything behind and leaving behind happiness, and their rich lives. Loung and her siblings were playing and their mother and father were packing and everyone’s smiles turned into frowns. We will write a custom essay sample on First They Killed My Father or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page â€Å"Not a day goes by / I’m always asking why†(Daughtry). This is the lyric that I felt matched with this part of the story. â€Å"What’s going on? Where is everyone going? Where have you been? (Ung 19). My first element is confusion. Loung is asking her Ma and Pa all these questions and no one will explain anything, so everyone is confused. Everyone is leaving and walking on foot to places where they don’t know. The area of interaction is approaches to learning because his is where she learns where things will change for now on. However, this is not all the tragedies and emotions that happen. â€Å"Today could have been the next day of the rest of your life†(Daughtry). â€Å"She is not going to live; she is not going to make it†(Ung 97). Everybody dies, but people in Cambodia would die of sickness, starvation, or die a killed death. This part is where Keav is dying from something she ate. Loung Ung and her family are feeling pain. This is the first family member who dies and it is a tragic. She would have never died at such a young if he Khmer Rouge didn’t force all teens to work for soldiers. The area of interaction is health and social. It is health and social because Keav’s health is really bad from starvation and something she ate. This lyric matches with this part of the story by how it explains how Keav could of lived for a very long time. So far Loung has had memories about how her life first began to get worse, and when her first family died. â€Å"Everybody was laughing / instead I just sit here and cry†(Daughtry). â€Å"Ma where are you! Ma you can’t do this to me! ( Ung 160) Depression is hard and it can go for a long time especially if you are in Loung’s family. Ma was taken away and Loung was crying and going over everything she went through. The area of interaction is health and social because Loung is dealing with her feelings for her family. She is longing for everything to be the way it was. This lyric matches this part because she is crying for her life and being hurt while everyone is being normal. This is where the theme is depression. She is always going to be scared for life because of the deaths of Geak, Ma, Pa, and Keav. There is pain, depression, and confusion for the elements in this story. A tragic life for Loung Ung and the struggles she has went through. She may never feel the same way. There are so many songs, and quotes from the book that touch your heart.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Sustainable Supply Chains
Sustainable Supply Chains Introduction to Sustainable Supply Chains A supply chain is a system in organizations, technology, information, people, resources, and activities that involves moving a product or service from the supplier to the customer.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Sustainable Supply Chains specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Sustainable supply chains are supply chains with the ability of helping organizations to grow, protect, and create long term social, economic and environmental value for shareholders involved in bringing products and services to the market. Supply chain sustainability is the management of social, economic, and environmental impacts and the encouragement of practices of good governance through the lifecycle of services and goods. Sustainable supply chain management is the transparent and strategic achievement and integration of economic, environmental, and social goals in an organization in a systematic coord ination of key business inters of successful sustainable supply chains are those that practices of collaboration. An example of collaboration is investment in alternative modes of transportation to reduce environmental impacts and cost of deliveries.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Some of the modes of transportation include airports, ships and canals. A successful sustainable supply chain is also in major components of management of supplier relationships. It is applied to create efficient way of cutting costs in the retail business (Krause, Vachon Klassen, 2009). For example, Wal-Mart has a Supplier Energy Efficiency Project that are aimed at emission elimination the company’s supply chain.The project’s suppliers reduced 3300 metric tons of GHG emissions saving approximately $200,000 costs of energy in 2009. The suppliers of Wal-Mart were requeste d its suppliers to show efficiency in management of environmental footprint as a measure of reducing cost and realize this benefit. This could save energy, time, and cost for the company. IBM has a sustainable supply chain in which it conducts studies annually to address the issues in its supply chain. The company prepares strategies to overcome global challenges that arise from globalization to create business value (Pagell Wu, 2009). Difference Between Traditional Supply Chains and Sustainable Supply Chains Have Created Competitive Advantage For OrganizationsAdvertising We will write a custom report sample on Sustainable Supply Chains specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More When accurately designed, traditional or conventional supply chains present clientele the advantages of quality enhancement, reduced overheads, and rapid delivery. Sustainable supply chain offer reduced costs and create value in the supply chain. Supply chain managers face challenges of changes in requirements of expertise in today’s business long-term trends. Business trends in recent years involve increasing intensity of competition and demand in environmental protection, resource scarcity, and security arising from the ongoing globalization. Businesses have to adopt better business systems that have the potential of satisfying stakeholders and customers. This makes the traditional supply chain insufficient in the modern business world. Under the objectives of a variety performance, a new prototype of a more complicated supply chain is emerging that caters for the needs of sustainable and developing competitiveness. The main differences between the traditional and sustainable supply chain is that the traditional supply chain is a drive of prices and decouple strategically but the sustainable supply chain is a drive of value and couple strategically. This means that management and design of supply chains should deliver specific outcomes, such as security, sustainability, innovation, cost reduction, and resilience (Pagell, Wu Wasserma, 2010). Paulraj (2011) identified that sustainable supply chains create competitive advantage in businesses by managing risks, creating sustainable production, and realizing efficiencies.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Managing business risks minimizes disruptions in business from social, economic, and environmental impacts. Managing business risks also protects the brand value and reputation of the company. Companies can protect themselves from interruptions in their potential supply chains associated with labor, human rights, governmental practices, environmental practices, and suppliers’ human rights by ensuring that suppliers comply with management systems and programmes covering sustainable supply chain management principles. Managing risks ensures that a company has access to resources. A company with a sustainable supply chain has the potential of reducing future liability and additional costs. Therefore, companies with sustainable supply chains understand the different strategies to undertake to ensure productivity and efficiency. Realizing efficiencies occurs when sustainable supply chains reduce costs of energy, transportation, and material inputs. Realizing efficiencies also incr ease labor production and create efficiencies across the entire supply chain. Creating sustainable products involve meeting the requirements of business and customer partners and innovating to satisfy the changing market. A company can reduce costs of supply through creating strong health, safety, and labor practices, increasing the understanding of key processes in the supply chain, and designing systems and processes that reduce required inputs. Companies create competitive advantage through developing new products and improving existing products through collaborating with suppliers on sustainable issues that foster product innovation. Sustainable supply chain creates competitive advantage by providing understanding of the business value and incorporated ideas in the market by competitors. This is addresses as benchmarking against the competitors. Sustainable supply chain enables an understanding of customer, suppliers, and shareholder expectations creating maximum return on the i nvestments of the company. A sustainable supply chain creates a vision for the company providing direction of the company’s strategies and defining the company’s commitment to achieve competitive advantage. The company can evaluate and identify areas that need improvement to create competitive advantage (Reuter, Foerstl, Hartmann Blome, 2010). Challenges in Building Sustainable Supply Chains Supply chain managers face challenges because of the increase in the requirements of management expertise in the long-term trends of companies today. These trends include the increasing intensity of competition, ongoing globalization, environmental protection, resource scarcity, and the growing security demand in businesses. Businesses are also requiring cost efficient, flexible, and reliable business systems that have the capability of supporting customer differentiation. Modern supply chain managers have to confront complex and dynamic supply chains becoming difficult to predict developments and trends in the long term (Paulraj, 2011). Supply chain management has to come up with additional plans that extend beyond the operational scope of the current activities. Supply chain managers need to understand and identify the new sustainability issues in their businesses and company environment to respond to respond to the changes in the long term trends and to remain competitive. This challenges calls for international, global, and the fragmented supply chain to apply skills of networking and creating efficient supply chain operations that adapt to sustainable demands to create sustainable customer focused supply chains in the long term. This is because sustainable supply chains must be able to create sustainable competitive advantage (Pullman, Maloni Carter, 2009). Challenges of building sustainable supply chains can arise from the weak and non-built relationships of companies with suppliers. It becomes difficult for companies to form strong relationships with suppliers because some of the suppliers are untrustworthy in that they fail to deliver the quantity and quality paid by the company. The owners or managers have to inspect the suppliers, especially in cases in which the suppliers can corrupt the employees easily. Challenges can arise when the company has inadequate capital to pay the suppliers at the required time. The company can strain to pay the suppliers or the suppliers can reduce business relationships with the company. Challenges in building a sustainable supply chain can arise when the suppliers create inconsistencies in price and quality without providing notice to the purchasing enterprise. This means that this change would pass to the customers creating inefficiency in the supply chain (Reuter, Foerstl, Hartmann Blome, 2010). According to Pullman, Maloni and Carter (2009), challenges can arise when the suppliers have a poor record from the purchasing entity making it difficult for the purchasing enterprise to keep a tre nd of their suppliers in frequency of supply, quality of supply, and prices of supply. This makes it difficult for the purchasing enterprise to build a strong relationship with the supplier. Challenges in building sustainable supply chain can result from poor planning where the purchasing enterprise makes quick decisions on the supplier without taking time to understand the competence of the supplier. This makes it difficult for the supplier and the purchase enterprise to create good relationships when the problems in the supply chain begin to occur. Other challenges arise from unfair competition based on prices, high prices for poor quality of products, lack of customer records and statistics, and interpersonal challenges, such as religious differences, race, and social status. Cases of corruption can arise from the purchase enterprises to suppliers passing on the costs through price increments on the customers. Corruption destroys the sustainability in the supply chains. Challenge s can arise from changes in government levies and taxes. Government taxes and levies affect cost of operations to both the suppliers and the purchasing enterprises leading to additional costs that have to depict in changes in the quantity, quality, and prices of products and services in the market. These changes affect the satisfaction of the shareholders and customers forcing them to shift to competitors. The company profits and resources decrease leading to collapse of some of the supply chains (Pagell Wu, 2009). Management Implications to the Importance and Challenges in Building Sustainable Supply Chains Various enterprises strive to build positive public relations to improve image and reputation essential for attracting and maintaining potential and competent suppliers and customers. A company can improve the nature and frequency of communication to customers and suppliers to maintain or improve sustainable supply chains. Some enterprises offer promotional items and credit to customers in efforts to build strong relationships for sustainable supply chains. Business enterprises reduce prices below that of competitors and improve quality of products to attract customers. This is difficult because cost of production match prices, quantity, and quality and reducing the prices means that the quality or quantity will decline. Enterprises have difficult time managing sustainable supply chains with prices, especially when the business has obligation of satisfying the stakeholders, customers and suppliers (Paulraj, 2011). According to Reuter, Foerstl, Hartmann and Blome (2010), business enterprises provide quality and unique services to loyal customers and suppliers to attract and maintain them. This action strengthens their relationships making it easy to build a sustainable supply chain. This has been possible through creation of clubs, especially in retail shops and food points (Lamp, 2011). Enterprises result to supporting sporting events, channels, and teams to nurture prestige and good reputation of businesses. Businesses offer sponsorships and donations to the society to attract the attention and interest in the members in the supply chain. Business enterprises also offer newspapers and special seats to the members of the supply chain to ensure good relationships and image. Businesses enterprises have also put extra efforts in building sustainable supply chains by paying its suppliers promptly and involving the suppliers and customers in their business and personal functions and initiatives. For example, Unilever is multinational company that earns annual revenue of more than $50 billion in approximately 400 brands. It sources from 100000 non-production suppliers and 10000 suppliers of raw materials. The company approximately purchases 3% of the world’s palm oil and 6% of the world’s black tea (Krause, Vachon, Klassen, 2009). Securing sustainable supply chains is critical for sustaining growth and the success of the bu siness in the future. The company has developed tangible benefits in business through sustainable supply chains. The company invests resources and time in building strong relationships with suppliers, customers, and stakeholders. The company achieves this by providing good wage incomes, managing environmental issues, such as climate change and waste, and ensuring good working conditions in the supply chains. Unilever’s ability to maintain sustainability in chain of supply helps in creating cost efficiency in the company operations, improve company’s reputational image, and assist in securing and stabilizing business long-term operations.. Unilever has created competitive advantage successfully through building sustainable supply chains (Pagell, Wu Wasserma, 2010). References Krause, D., Vachon, S., Klassen, R. (2009). Special topic forum on sustainable supply chain management: introduction and reflections on the role of purchasing management. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 45(4), 18-25. Lamp, C. (2011). Essentials of marketing. New York, NY: Cengage Learning. Pagell, M. Wu, Z. (2009). Building a more complete theory of sustainable supply chain management using case studies of 10 exemplars. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 45(2), 37-56. Pagell, M., Wu, Z., Wasserma, M. (2010). Thinking differently about purchasing portfolios: an assessment of sustainable sourcing. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 46(1), 57-73. Paulraj, A. (2011). Understanding the relationships between internal resources and capabilities, sustainable supply management and organizational sustainability. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 47(1), 19-37. Pullman, M., Maloni, M., Carter, C. (2009). Food for thought: social versus environmental sustainability practices and performance outcomes. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 45(4), 38-54. Reuter, C., Foerstl, K., Hartmann, E., Blome, C. (2010). Sustainable global supplier management: the role of dynamic capabiliti es in achieving competitive advantage. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 46(2), 45-63.
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