Wednesday, December 25, 2019
African Studies A Large Part Of The Misconception Of Africa
Stereotypes play a large part of the misconception that the world has on the massive African continent. Africa is not only one of the biggest continents but has a lot of history behind it, this makes people misunderstand the true meaning of Africa as well as Africans. In order to fully grasp the study of Africa, the culture, origins, experiences, environment, etc. of the continent and its people must be studied and understood. (Azevedo 6). Africa’s history is vast and complex continent when compared to the 1st world countries. This makes it difficult for some to comprehend and understand when learning about it. Previous studies of Africa done by specialists mostly took a scientific approach where they try to answer the questions of how, why, who, when, where, and what (Azevedo 7). The answers to these questions incorporate unforeseen behavior of people, which cannot rely on scientific methodologies (Azevedo 7). The errors from early African studies have given generations a mi sconception of Africa’s connection to the outside world. The historical and current stereotypes have led to a flawed view of African economy, politics, culture, and their people. Media typically displays horrendous events happening in Africa which gives the world a false sense of what Africa is and the potential that it has. If that view on Africa is going to change, the western societies must change how they portray Africa in the media and a composite scholarly framework must be established. TheShow MoreRelatedThe Geographic Landscape Of The African Continent1594 Words  | 7 PagesWhen it comes to discussing the geographic landscape of the African continent people are quick to overlook the important role that soil has played in the development of cultures and civilizations in Africa because it can be so easily overshadowed by Africa’s other geographic features such as its rivers, mountains, deserts and grasslands. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Pastoral Care And Pastoral Counseling Process - 1805 Words
The minister or pastor had many tasks which are preaching, church administration, liturgical leadership and pastoral care. Indeed one of his problems in attaining self-knowledge is the necessity of coming to terms with so many demands and the discrepancy between what he conceives as his chief ministry and the preoccupation with running the church. Two points concerning the vocational aspect of the minister’s self-knowledge need special attention. First, the pastor must work out his definition of what of what is distinctive in his counseling as pastor. Second, the pastor must be a theologian, and the kind of practical theologian who can keep theological concepts in significant relation to human experience. II. Theological reflection on pastoral care and the pastoral counseling process What is the relationship between theology and the work of pastoral care and counseling? The theological reflection on pastoral care and the pastoral counseling process have several directions one may take. I believe that this topic is huge and I am going swam around it because it is not my subject of interest. I believed that theology is the heart which we discourse about God. But remember every one of us have its own theology sort of. Each person has some idea about the nature of the universe, about humanity, and about the purpose of life. Sometimes you may find someone who says that they are an atheist or know about atheist. Somehow they may have been raised in a church but now haveShow MoreRelatedPASTORAL COUNSELOR S IDENTITY AND ETHICS PAPER BClayton1713 Words  | 7 PagesUNIVERSITY PASTORAL COUNSELORS IDENTITY AND ETHICS PAPER A PAPER SUBMITTED TO DR. STEVEN BROOKS PACO 500 INTRODUCTION TO PASTORAL COUNSELING BY BEN CLAYTON JR. 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Victims who find it difficult to view God as love and sustainer and thus accurately ascribe self-worth may find pastoral assistance helpful. Sin’s distortion of value causes a restructuring of reality into a more tolerable version and â€Å"these postures of refusal and resistance are an idolatrous turn†(Ramsay, 1998, p. 159) away from God. Selfishness, negativity, promiscuityRead MoreCommunication Strategy in Pastoral Counseling2804 Words  | 12 PagesCS in PC 1 Communication Strategy; Use in Pastoral Counseling Rosa Menchen COMM 200 Instructor B. Matts May 24, 2010 CT in PC 2 I not only plan on furthering my career, but attending post graduate school, and obtain a MDiv. My ultimate goal is to become a health care chaplain, and/or an emergency chaplain. Having previous experience in the health care field, as well as a chaplaincy in the American Legion for several years, I have found that pursuit of this goal would not onlyRead MorePACO 500 Identity And Ethics LAT 2 Revised Essay3666 Words  | 15 Pagesï » ¿ PASTORAL COUNSELOR’S IDENTITY AND ETHICS PAPER Lisa A. Thomas Liberty University CONTENTS Abstract 2 Paradigm for Identity and Ethical Boundaries†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.4 Potential for Professional Partnerships ...†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦6 An Organizations Ethical Guidelines †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.7 Pre-Counseling Package†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 8 Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 10 References 10 Appendix†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦11 Rubric†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Read MorePastoral Care and Counseling Essay5654 Words  | 23 PagesIntroduction Pastoral care and Counseling is one of the important ministries in the Church at any place in the world. Our churches are filled with people who experience crisis, lost, loneliness, anxiety, depression, divorced, and family problems. Pastors have a huge opportunity to help people just by listening and encouraging those in household of faith. In some cases it is just enough to listen and teach biblical principles of living but in the other cases there is the need to be specifically train
Monday, December 9, 2019
Complex Nursing
Question: Case Study Report onthe potential impact of chronic and complex conditions on the patient. Answer: Introduction In medical science, the comorbidity refers to one or more than one additional disorders or diseases co-occurring with a primary disorder or disease. According to ACCORD Study Group (2010), it is found that the comorbidity may include behavioural as well as mental disorders along with several related issues. Although the concept of comorbidity initially indicates an association of other diseases or conditions independently along with another medical condition or disorder, it is found that sometimes the sense of this terminology is overlapped with the concept of complications. In the case of prolonged diabetes mellitus, Group (2010) opined that it is very complicated to measure whether the occurrence of coronary artery disease is independent of the primary disease (diabetes mellitus) or it is the comorbidity of the primary disease. In medical science, the comorbidity can be synonymised as polymorbidity, multimorbidity, polypathy, multifactorial diseases, dual diagnosis and pluralpathology (Scirica et al., 2013). In this article, the researcher aims to identify the comorbidities of type 2 diabetes based on a case study. Over View of the Case Study Luigi (77), a retired old man is living in Australia for 40 years with his wife and a son. His health condition is declining from past 15 years as he is suffering from type 2 diabetes. Although he was consuming metformin 500mg BD, it is found that he is careless about his declining health condition. Luigi never pays attention to his overweight or increasing blood sugar level. It is found that he is also very reluctant about his diet chart. Recently, Luigi noticed that his vision is blurring and ankles are swelling. It is also recognized that his blood pressure has increased, and protein, as well as glucose, is present in his urine sample. Later he is diagnosed with "chronic renal failure." The pathophysiology of chronic and complex conditions and their related clinical manifestations According to Malik et al. (2010), the diabetes mellitus type 2 can be characterized as insulin resistance, high blood sugar as well as the relative lack of insulin. The common symptoms of this disease may include frequent urination, increased thirst, as well as unexplained weight loss. On the other hand, Nouwen et al. (2010) opined in their study that diabetes mellitus type 2 is a heterogeneous syndrome, which can be characterized by abnormalities in fat and carbohydrate metabolism. It is also found from the research study that the causes of type 2 diabetes are multifactorial, which may include both environmental as well as genetic elements, which can affect tissues (muscle, adipose tissue, liver, and pancreas) as these are insulin sensitive. The environmental and genetic factors can also have an impact on the beta-cell function. All though both reduced insulin sensitivity and beta-cell dysfunction play an important role in the development of type 2 diabetes, it is found that the res earchers debated about the relative contributions of these two factors to the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes. The pathophysiology is considered as a junction of physiology with pathology. Pathology is defined by Chen et al. (2012) as the medical discipline, which elaborates conditions typically notices in the period of a disease state. On the other hand, physiology can be best described as the biological discipline, which elaborates mechanisms or process operating within an organism. While discussing the pathophysiology of the type 2 diabetes, it is found that both environmental and genetic factors play an equal role in the occurrence and severity of the disease. However, the mechanisms to control the interplay of environmental factors and the genetic factors are not very clear. Carter et al. (2010) suggested in their research study that there may be some factors that can be possibly linked with beta-cell dysfunction and insulin resistances in the context of the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes. From the study of Ismail-Beigi et al. (2011), it is found that a majority of patients who are suff ering from type 2 diabetes are diagnosed as obese with central visceral adiposity. Therefore, it can be said that the adipose tissue should play an important role in the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus type 2. One of the most important paradigms used to explain this link is the visceral / portal hypothesis, which plays a key role in the elevation of the concentration of non-esterified fatty acid. Apart from this paradigm, two new paradigms are also discussed among the researchers, such as "ectopic fat storage syndrome" as well as the adipose tissue as endocrine organ hypothesis. The hypothesis of ectopic fat storage syndrome is focused on the deposition of triglycerides in pancreatic cells, liver, and muscle. On the other hand, the adipose tissue as endocrine organ hypothesis includes the secretion of different adipocytokinase such as leptin, resistin, TNF alpha, which take part in beta- cell dysfunction and insulin resistance. The comorbidity, which is related to this chronic disease are obesity, glaucoma, chronic kidney failure and high blood pressure. According to Inzucchi et al. (2012), due to type 2 diabetes mellitus the adipose tissues get harmed and lead towards the increase of weight. On the other hand, the study showed that the patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus also have uncontrolled hypertension as the blood pressure continuously get elevated. According to Qaseem et al. (2012), the kidneys cells are also affected due to type 2 diabetes mellitus and leads to the acute kidney failure. Increasing level of glucose can also affect the retina and cause blurred vision. And last but not the least occurrence of this chronic disease can lead toward the cardiovascular disease (CVD) and cause heart failure. A discussion of the complexity and chronicity of the patients condition Based on the case study it is found that Luigi is suffering from longstanding type 2 diabetes mellitus (from last 15 years). The health condition of Luigi is continuously declining due to the suffering of type 2 diabetes which is recognised to be a chronic disease. According to Singh et al. (2013), chronicity is considered as a term, which denotes continuance and consistency, in the onset of an illness. It is also found that the chronicity of an illness indicates to the disease, which goes upon for a prolonged treatment. It is found from the research study of Rubino et al. (2010), that diabetes can be considered as a chronic illness, which anchors other illnesses and increases morbidity. Luigi is suffering from this disease for a long time, which has a deep impact on his health. Due to the presence of type 2 diabetes and his negligence he developed other diseases such as chronic kidney failure, glaucoma, high blood pressure as well as overweight. The increasing number of anchored diseases in his body also increased the complexity of his treatment and in his lifestyle. According to Bangalore et al. (2011), it is found that the management of the complex chronic diseases is always difficult as well as critical for the older people. Patient like Luigi, who is suffering from several comorbidities, needs to have special care as well as specific medical attentions. The patients comorbidities According to the case study, Luigi is suffering from a chronic disease (type 2 diabetes mellitus) from past 15 years. As a trained professional nurse, after reviewing his present condition, it can be said that the reason behind the continuous declining of the health of the patient is not only the occurrence of type 2 diabetes mellitus but also the comorbidity-related with this chronic diseases. It is found that Luigi is already suffering from several comorbidities such as glaucoma, dyslipidemia, high blood sugar (hypertension), glucosuria, obesity, cardiovascular disease and acute kidney failure. According to Lee et al. (2011), it is recognized that these comorbidities are the medical conditions that occur and are facilitated by the primary diseases; however, they can also exist as own specific disease. On the other hand, it is also found that it is not necessary that all of the comorbidities should occur in every person who are suffering from the same chronic disease. In this case study it is found that Luigi is suffering from most of the comorbidities of type 2 diabetes but not necessarily all of them. According to the study of Singh et al. (2013), NAFLD (Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease) is one of the most frequently occurring comorbidity of type 2 diabetes; however, after studying the case study, it is found that Luigi was not suffering from NAFLD. Impact of these conditions on the health of the patient and his family According to Qaseem et al. (2012), the occurrence of type 2 diabetes mellitus not only has an impact on the health of a patient but also has an impact on the social life as it interferes with day to day work of the patient. Luigi is unable to perform the outdoor work, which is evidently not supporting the sustainability of the family. Uncontrolled diabetes leads to elevated blood sugar and eventually welcomes the risk of heart failure, damage of blood vessels, nerves and eyes. According to () fifty per cent of the patients with type 2 diabetes undergo heart stroke. Damage of nerves or neuropathy causes numbness of feets, hands and limbs including pain (Chen et al. 2012). Neuropathy accompanied with reduced blood flow in the feet enhances the possibility of foot ulcers and further limb amputation. Retinopathy was found to be the contributing factor of blindness resulting from damage of retinal blood vessels (Lee et al. 2011). According to (Rubino et al. 2010) about 10 % of patients develop visual impairment after being diagnosed with diabetes for fifteen years. On the other hand, the occurrence of type 2 diabetes mellitus and comorbidities of this disease can also have an impact on the family economy. According to Ismail-Beigi et al. (2011), the increasing rate of fees and cost of medicines in Australia for the treatment of diabetes is considered as a burden on the family who has members suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus. Clinical manifestations and medications of the patients The clinical manifestation of type 2 diabetes may firstly, include diagnosis which can be started with blood testing for sugar levels. Secondly, high blood pressure, obesity, decrease sensation in legs, weak pulse rate, ulcers, infections of the feet are the common symptoms that are helpful for diagnosing diabetes. The laboratory tests may include: FPG (fasting plasma glucose), OGTT (oral glucose tolerance test), random blood glucose test, blood creatinine test, and clinical examination for kidney disease and lipid profile of the patient. To control the type 2 diabetes, it is important to follow a proper diet chart and exercise routines. According to Chen et al. (2012), it is found that those patients with type 2 diabetes who are maintaining a good diet chart have improved from their present condition. A healthy diet chart of a person with type two diabetes mellitus should include low cholesterol, less amount of Trans fat, fewer calories and nutritionally balanced food. Apart from these, it is also found that injection of insulin and other medicines such as metformin are essential. Conclusion After analysing the present condition of the patient as described in the case study, it can be said that Luigi is suffering from chronic type 2 diabetes mellitus, which not only has an impact on his health but also in his social life. He is a 77 years old person and therefore he is less potential to fight against this chronic disease. On the other hand, it is also found the comorbidities of this disease has affected his life style. The reason behind of his health decline is not only the type 2 diabetes mellitus but also the comorbidities such as glaucoma, hypertension, chronic kidney failure and obesity. However, his negligence of diet chart and medicines has lead to the deterioration of his health. Therefore, it can be said that with a better diet chart, medicines and involvement in proper exercise procedure, he will be able to recover himself from the current state. Recommendations After reviewing the current state of Luigi, he is recommended to follow a proper diet chart along with a proper exercise routine. He is recommended to adhere to his medication strictly and also intake medicines for the chronic disease as well as comorbidities. He must control his blood sugar level strictly and avoid using NSAIDS. Reference ACCORD Study Group. (2010). Effects of intensive blood-pressure control in type 2 diabetes mellitus.The New England journal of medicine,362(17), 1575. Bangalore, S., Kumar, S., Lobach, I., Messerli, F. H. (2011). 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Sunday, December 1, 2019
Mary Shelly Essays - Romanticism, Gothic Novels, Horror Novels
Mary Shelly Thesis: Mary Shelley has become one of the most renowned Gothic authors because of her descriptions and settings and her use of many significant themes. Mary Wollstonecraft Shelly has written many books in her life. She has received much criticism about one of her books inperticular, Frankenstien. Frankenstein was one of her most famous novels. Shelly had written Frankenstein in order to enter a contest but what few people realized was that Frankenstein was one of many nightmares that Shelly had during her rough childhood. Shelly has become one of the most renowned Gothic authors because of her use of graphic descriptions and settings and her use of many significant themes. Mary Wollstonecraft Shelly was born in London on August 30, 1797. Shelley was the daughter of a philosopher named William Godwin. Shelly's mother died while giving birth to her and her father was remarried in 1801(Drabble 121). Shelley disliked her father's new wife so, as a result, he sent her to go live in Dundee with the Baxter's, foster parents, where she stayed until 1814. Shelley took many visits back to London to visit her father (Bloom 3014). On May 5, 1814, Mary met Percy Bysshe Shelley on one of her visits to London. Percy Shelley left his wife, Harriet, and went to France with Mary (Bloom 3014). Shelley returned to London to give birth to a daughter only to lose the child two weeks later. Percy Shelley proposed to Mary Godwin and they were married in 1816. Shelley became pregnant again and again lost the child at birth. Out of four children, only one survived, Percy (Drabble 121). While the Shelley's were traveling thought Italy, they had sent letters to their friends asking for financial support. During this time, many legal battles were being fought over publishing matters, the Shelley estate, and the four children from Percy's previous marriage. Shelley's next two children died Clara and William Shelley. In 1818 Clara died barely one year old and in 1819, William died at the age of three. Finally, in late 1819, a forth child was born. A son, Percy Florence, was the only one of the four children to grow to maturity (Bloom 3015). On the morning of July 28, 1822, Percy Shelly was sailing with his close friend Edward Williams in his boat Ariel. The boat was tipped and Shelly drowned in the Gulf of Spezia during a heavy storm. After Percy's death, Mary refused to turn her son over to Percy's father Sir Timothy, so she turned to writing to support her family (Drabble 121). Some of Shelley's earlier novels include: Valperga (1823), The Last Man (1826), and TheFortune of Perkin Warbeck (1830) (Drabble 122). Many people consider The Last Man to be Shelley's most famous work. The central vision of this novel is the spiral of human history in the central vision. The Last Man is set in the distant future, at the time, of the twenty-first century. This novel begins with a peaceful and flourishing society but tragically ends with total death throughout the world by the plague. Only one man survives this decimation, Lionel Verney (Bloom 3018). Lionel Verney has nothing to anticipate except the endless and desolate journey from city to city. All of the world's treasures are his for enjoyment. All of the great libraries and coffers are open to him only. Only one thing is missing from this novel, companionship. Companionship is a key aspect of The Last Man. Lionel doesn't want all the earthly treasures; he only wants a friend (Bloom 3018). Shelley's most famous novel, Frankenstein, has much of the same aspects and ideas. Both novels deal with the knowledge of good and evil and both novels deal with the aspect of friendship and being accepted. Shelley's characters in Frankenstein are all tied together in some shape or form. Victor Frankenstein was one of the main characters in this novel. His actions in the later stages of this novel directly effect the outcome (Bloom 3018). Victor Frankenstein was born in Geneva. Victor showed an early promise in the natural sciences. When he grew older, his father sent him to the University of Ingolstadt. Victor learned all that the university could teach him in the natural science
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
How to Write an Analytical Essay on Environmental Economics
How to Write an Analytical Essay on Environmental Economics When you sit down to write your analytical essay on environmental economics, you should make sure you have all of the right components. When writing an essay on any topic you should make sure that you have the following components: Introduction Body with Evidence for Each Argument Conclusion References or Bibliography Some analytical essays on environmental economics will differ slightly in terms of style but the majority of essays you are tasked with writing are all formatted like this. Remember: All analytical essays on environmental economics require thorough research to support your thesis. All analytical essays on environmental economics require an introduction that offers the reader adequate background information in order to understand your argument. All analytical essays on environmental economics require proper citations in accordance with the format style assigned to you by your teacher or by your TA. The analytical essay is an important piece of writing which requires you to review all of the related literature to your topic. Your purpose in doing so is to analyze what literature exists to date related to your topic or your theme and determine where are any gaps or if one author makes a more valid claim substantiated by evidence than another. It is an opportunity as a student to expose yourself to the work that professionals in your field have completed and to review it critically. It is also a chance for you to learn valuable research and note-taking skills. Once you know what you should be looking for when you begin researching and reading. Facts and theories which provide an answer to your question are perfect, while opinions given without fact are not. If the opinion is whether a specific answer or solution is viable or not, and it comes from an expert in the field, is perfectly fine though. As you write your notes, it is important that you avoid writing too much. So often students run into issues with plagiarism, or simply lack adequate unique ideas in their work because they write too much down in their notes. When it comes time to produce a paper, the essay becomes a patchwork of ideas borrowed from other writers and not an expression of unique thinking. Therefore, your time spent researching should be a collective effort to understand the sources and to integrate the sources into personal knowledge and thinking. It should not be a time to merely copy entire paragraphs and weave together an essay from the remarks of others alone. Note cards should record ideas which are relevant to a topic and they should summarize information more often than quoting it. Remember these tips while taking notes: Only write exact words copied from a text if the ideas are surprisingly expressed or the phrasing is memorable; these can be used as actual quotes in the final essay. Compress ideas using your words. Paraphrasing something word for word is wasteful of your time. Instead, take the most important ideas and use them as a heading or label and then fill in some sub-points below. Avoid underlining and highlighting as your only source of note taking. This is a good resource and method of studying to be sure, but when researching for a paper it would behoove you to write your own words in a sticky note or in the margin. We hope this guide will prove useful to you. Please be sure to check our 20 topics and 1 sample essay on environmental economics along with 10 facts to ground the foundation of your paper. CustomWritings is committed to provide students with high-quality custom analytical essays written from scratch by experienced writers. Contact our service right now!
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Battle of Quebec in the American Revolution
Battle of Quebec in the American Revolution The Battle of Quebec was fought on the night of December 30/31, 1775 during the American Revolution (1775-1783). Beginning in September 1775, the invasion of Canada was the first major offensive operation conducted by American forces during the war. Initially led by Major General Philip Schuyler, the invading force departed Fort Ticonderoga and commenced an advance down (northward) the Richelieu River toward Fort St. Jean. Initial attempts to reach the fort proved abortive and an increasingly ill Schuyler was compelled to turn over command to Brigadier General Richard Montgomery. A distinguished veteran of the French and Indian War, Montgomery resumed the advance on September 16 with 1,700 militia. Arriving at Fort St. Jean three days later, he laid siege and forced the garrison to surrender on November 3. Though a victory, the length of the siege badly delayed the American invasion effort and saw many suffer from sickness. Pressing on, the Americans occupied Montreal without a fight on November 28. Armies Commanders: Americans Brigadier General Richard MontgomeryColonel Benedict ArnoldColonel James Livingston900 men British Governor Sir Guy Carleton1,800 men Arnolds Expedition To the east, a second American expedition fought its way north through the Maine wilderness. Organized by Colonel Benedict Arnold, this force of 1,100 men had been picked from the ranks of General George Washingtons Continental Army outside Boston. Proceeding from Massachusetts to the mouth of the Kennebec River, Arnold had expected the trek north through Maine to take around twenty days. This estimate was based on a rough map of the route developed by Captain John Montresor in 1760/61. Moving north, the expedition soon suffered due to the poor construction of their boats and the faulty nature of Montresors maps. Lacking adequate supplies, starvation set in and the men were reduced to eating shoe leather and candle wax. Of the original force, only 600 eventually reached the St. Lawrence. Nearing Quebec, it quickly became clear that Arnold lacked the men needed to take the city and that the British were aware of their approach. British Preparations Withdrawing to Pointe aux Trembles, Arnold was forced to wait for reinforcements and artillery. On December 2, Montgomery descended the river with around 700 men and united with Arnold. Along with reinforcements, Montgomery brought four cannon, six mortars, additional ammunition, and winter clothing for Arnolds men. Returning to the vicinity of Quebec, the combined American force laid siege to the city on December 6. At this time, Montgomery issued the first of several surrender demands to the Governor-General of Canada, Sir Guy Carleton. These were dismissed out of hand by Carleton who instead looked to improve the citys defenses. Outside of the city, Montgomery endeavored to construct batteries, the largest of which was completed on December 10. Due to the frozen ground, it was constructed from blocks of snow. Though a bombardment commenced, it did little damage. As days passed, Montgomery and Arnolds situation became increasingly desperate as they lacked the heavy artillery to conduct a traditional siege, their mens enlistments would soon be expiring, and British reinforcements likely would arrive in the spring. Seeing little alternative, the two began planning an attack on the city. They hoped that if they advanced during a snowstorm, they would be able to scale Quebecs walls undetected. Within its walls, Carleton possessed a garrison of 1,800 regulars and militia. Aware of American activities in the area, Carleton made efforts to enhance the citys formidable defenses by erecting a series of barricades. The Americans Advance To assault the city, Montgomery and Arnold planned on advancing from two directions. Montgomery was to attack from the west, moving along the St. Lawrence waterfront, while Arnold was to advance from the north, marching along the St. Charles River. The two were to reunite at point where the rivers joined and then turn to attack the city wall. To divert the British, two militia units would make feints against Quebecs western walls. Moving out on December 30, the assault began after midnight on the 31st during a snowstorm. Advancing past the Cape Diamond Bastion, Montgomerys force pressed into the Lower Town where they encountered the first barricade. Forming to attack the barricades 30 defenders, the Americans were stunned when the first British volley killed Montgomery. A British Victory In addition to killing Montgomery, the volley struck down his two chief subordinates. With their general down, the American attack faltered and the remaining officers ordered a withdrawal. Unaware of Montgomerys death and the attacks failure, Arnolds column pressed on from the north. Reaching the Sault au Matelot, Arnold was hit and wounded in the left ankle. Unable to walk, he was carried to the rear and command was transferred to Captain Daniel Morgan. Successfully taking the first barricade they encountered, Morgans men moved into the city proper. Continuing the advance, Morgans men suffered from damp gunpowder and had difficulty navigating the narrow streets. As a result, they paused to dry their powder. With Montgomerys column repulsed and Carletons realization that the attacks from the west were a diversion, Morgan became the focus of the defenders activities. British troops counterattacked in the rear and retook the barricade before moving through the streets to surround Morgans men. With no options remaining, Morgan and his men were forced to surrender. Aftermath The Battle of Quebec cost the Americans 60 dead and wounded as well as 426 captured. For the British, casualties were a light 6 killed and 19 wounded. Though the assault failed, American troops remained in the field around Quebec. Rallying the men, Arnold attempted to lay siege to the city. This proved increasingly ineffective as men began to desert following the expiration of their enlistments. Though he was reinforced, Arnold was forced to fall back following the arrival of 4,000 British troops under Major General John Burgoyne. After being defeated at Trois-Rivià ¨res on June 8, 1776, American forces were forced to retreat back into New York, ending the invasion of Canada.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Module project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Module project - Assignment Example Even though there are various risks of doing business in Mexico such as exchange rate risk, capital risk, labor risk, and litigation risks, there are various risk mitigation strategies that can be used by the company to ensure that these risks do not pose any major threats to growth and development. Part of these risk mitigation strategies has been found to include hedging and the use of local labor. As the company enters the Mexican market newly, there is the need to identify strategic business partners and assign roles to these partners to bring about business growth. Generally, roles that can be assigned to strategic business partners include expansion, internal strategic partnership, sensitization, and resources. The dynamism of the social variables of Mexico also calls for the need for there to be the creation of social networks, out of which social capital shall be built. Going into the future, the company is expected to have a strong marketing strategy that capitalizes on the weakness and threats of existing competitors so as to ensure the creation of competitive advantage for the company. With the aim of the organization to introducing a new line of tablet computer to be known as Slate to Mexico to target the younger generation of school going age, it is important to have partners with whom this aim can successfully be implemented. For the sake of growth and expansion, there shall not just be the use of partners but strategic business partners who shall be assigned four major roles within the organization as discussed below. These are going to be partners whose role will be based on geographic coverage and with the task of ensuring that the business growths and expands on a constant basis. While studying the Mexican market, Beaudoin, and Moore (2008) noted that Mexico has a potential of offering entrepreneurs a nationwide market place. This means that unlike other countries
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Transition to High School Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Transition to High School - Research Proposal Example According to the initial study that has been conducted, which was the collection of secondary data for the initial literature review, the author has gained an overall knowledge of the different aspects that pose challenges to students as well as teachers and parents when teenagers transition from primary to high school. And this knowledge has the author to design the framework for the study and the give the reader an overview of what can be expected throughout the entirerity of the research study. . In this document the author has given a brief description of the methods that will be used to carry out the main research study, the objectives of the research study, the structure of the dissertation, the timetable for the entire research study as well as the resources that will be needed to carry out the research study and finally the limitations of the research study. THE DIFFICULTIES FACED BY STUDENTS WHEN TRANSITIONING TO HIGH SCHOOL IN THE BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS, THEIR EXPECTATIONS AND SUBSEQUENT ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AND THE SIGNIFICANT ROLE THAT CAN BE FULFILLED BY PARENTS AND TEACHERS ALIKE TO HELP MITIGATE THE DIFFICULTIES AND HELP EASE AND SMOOTHEN THE TRANSITION Introduction This is a research proposal that the author is completing in part fulfillment of her degree requirement. The area that the author would like to study is the difficulties faced by students when they transition into high school. Therefore in this research proposal the author will give an overview of the research objectives, the research topic, the resources needed for the research study, a brief literature review, the methodology for the research study, the limitations of the study, the timeline needed for the study and finally the structure of the dissertation when the entire research study is completed. In this document the author also gives the reader a basic knowledge of the manner in which the primary data will be gathered and the different sources that will be used to gather the primary data as well as a justification for the methods that will be used. Research Objectives Here the author will give a brief overview of the objectives of the research study that she will evaluate for completion at the end of the research. Gain an in-depth understanding of difficulties faced by students transitioning into high school in the British Virgin Islands To gain an understanding of the root causes of the difficulties faced by students when transitioning to the high school from the point of view of teachers and parents To understand how to make the transition from primary school to high school a smooth and easy transition. To gain an
Sunday, November 17, 2019
To Investigate the Branding Importance in Food and Beverage Industry Essay Example for Free
To Investigate the Branding Importance in Food and Beverage Industry Essay For that different existing companies develop branding strategy and introduce their new products using a well established brand name as leverage. To capture the market share of new segment, and get benefits of goodwill associated with their existing brands. For example – McDonald, pizza hut come in market with new meals with a specific name and it all offer accept by the customers as it have leverage of a strong brand name like pizza hut , McDonald etc. In beverage industry, also have different product with brands like fanta, Miranda, coke diet with its parent coke brand in compare to other beverage parent brand like PepsiCo with mountain dew, mist natural, Tropicana, slice Etc . and they all brands compete for different segment in market like PepsiCo’s slice, coke’s maza and Parle’s frooti compete in same mango drink segment of market. 1. 2 Overview of food and beverage industry in UK As food and drink is a flourishing industry in UK, it is very mature and intensely competitive. It has impacts on the UK economy far beyond its significant contribution to GDP and employment. It provides various job prospects to the various youngsters in UK. Every other industry was affected economically in recession except food and drink sector which remains a major beneficiary amongst. Also the exports of food and drink items have been increased continuously from decades and won’t affect by the recession. The industry achieves Excellency by producing significant number of new products, because of a remarkable Ramp;D centre, which keeps on spending a large amount on innovation. This project define about the branding in food and beverage industry and it show the different effect of branding on the customer, how a specific brand repeated by the consumers , this paper show the impact of branding on the market , organisation culture and the working style of employee within the company. In chapter 2, this paper will explain the â€Å"brand†in general with put the light forward on the related topics like- brand equity, brand image , brand loyalty , brand awareness, brand association etc, and allow the reader to understand the broad concept of the branding , its impact and importance in the industry. Then research product look in to the importance of growing a brand strategy for the products. Then researcher will propose and examine the case of different food and beverage companies focused on brand strategy. From the reading of the literature review and collected data analysis, reader will aware about a multinational food and beverage company‘s brand importance and how much it influence its sales. Then researcher discusses the analysed data and identifies the problem areas and proposes the conclusion along with valuable recommendation for short out the problems to make the brand strong. 1. Research limitation – * Researcher selected the ambiguous topic which is very vast and difficult to the research on entire sectors, food and beverage sectors of UK deals in multiple chain like –retail, canned, service, processing, alcoholic, non alcoholic etc so this research only focused on the multinational retail food restaurant like – McDonald, burger king , and t he beverage serve in these restaurant(coke ,Pepsi etc) . this present research study is confined to only retail food restaurant alone and the finding may not be applicable for the other field of food and beverage industry.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Unexpected Reward :: essays research papers
Unexpected Reward      Organized youth sports are excellent programs that every town in every state should offer to young people of their community. These programs help children to find their interests, build confidence, and make friends. All of these things are important in the development of a child. These are a few of the reasons that interested me in volunteering my services as an assistant coach of a Pop Warner football team, The Plymouth Vikings.      I coached children ages nine to eleven. I would help them with the fundamentals of football such as the proper way to hold the football when you run, the difference of pass blocking and run blocking, and how to tackle properly. It really made me feel good to know that I was helping kids improve their skills at a game they loved to play.      There was one boy that attended every practice, and seemed to be tuned in to every bit of information I gave the team. The boy’s name was Gregory; we all called him, â€Å"Goody.†Goody was the starting quarterback. Greg reminded me of myself when I was his age. He was always having fun when he played, he was always trying his best, and he was somewhat mischievous. Greg was just a normal eleven-year-old that loved to play football. He was the best player on the team. Goody could play any position; he could throw, run, catch, and play defense. He had a great deal of potential on the field, but he was struggling in school. You hold a â€Å"C†average in school to play Pop Warner football. Greg was just barely making the grade. I didn’t want to see a kid with so much love for the game to be kicked off the team because he was not doing well in school. I began to talk to him about the issue and I would explain to him the importance of working hard in school just like he does on the football field. I told him that he should keep professional football as a dream, but to make school his first priority. At the time I really did not know if he listened to me or if he even cared what I had to say, but I knew I had tried to help him. I even offered to help him with homework. Goody never asked for help on his homework, but assured me he was doing better. Unexpected Reward :: essays research papers Unexpected Reward      Organized youth sports are excellent programs that every town in every state should offer to young people of their community. These programs help children to find their interests, build confidence, and make friends. All of these things are important in the development of a child. These are a few of the reasons that interested me in volunteering my services as an assistant coach of a Pop Warner football team, The Plymouth Vikings.      I coached children ages nine to eleven. I would help them with the fundamentals of football such as the proper way to hold the football when you run, the difference of pass blocking and run blocking, and how to tackle properly. It really made me feel good to know that I was helping kids improve their skills at a game they loved to play.      There was one boy that attended every practice, and seemed to be tuned in to every bit of information I gave the team. The boy’s name was Gregory; we all called him, â€Å"Goody.†Goody was the starting quarterback. Greg reminded me of myself when I was his age. He was always having fun when he played, he was always trying his best, and he was somewhat mischievous. Greg was just a normal eleven-year-old that loved to play football. He was the best player on the team. Goody could play any position; he could throw, run, catch, and play defense. He had a great deal of potential on the field, but he was struggling in school. You hold a â€Å"C†average in school to play Pop Warner football. Greg was just barely making the grade. I didn’t want to see a kid with so much love for the game to be kicked off the team because he was not doing well in school. I began to talk to him about the issue and I would explain to him the importance of working hard in school just like he does on the football field. I told him that he should keep professional football as a dream, but to make school his first priority. At the time I really did not know if he listened to me or if he even cared what I had to say, but I knew I had tried to help him. I even offered to help him with homework. Goody never asked for help on his homework, but assured me he was doing better.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Evaluate the usefulness of the documents in the interview pack for a given organisation Essay
Justify actions a business might take when experiencing cash flow problems? At first ,the owners of business need to start a cash flow analysis for current month and the future.The owners should know and find out what’s wrong with the company and check which areas result the most money to get out of their company.However, the receivables are always a big problem.Because the owners are busy with their business so that they forget to send the money for a long time . Secondly, they can use loan to solve the cash flow problem,they can borrow a great deal of money from the bank or other personal organizations, they can just give these organizations little interest per month but they get a pretty long-term support for the whole business.They should have their own line of credit, regardless of business or personal ,it’s function is similar with the credit cards.The company can have a source of emergency funds in the future as long as it pays long-term attention on building the credit line , which can solve the cash flow problems as well. Finally, it is important for the business owners to make some changes n operations ,For example ,the loans can not solve the fundamental problem because this situation is serious.The operator should reduce the time between a transaction and when receive the money . The business needs to accelerate the speed of sending it’s produces as well as invoices.In addition to that, the company can use the discount to attract the customer to pay early and enforce the punishment for late payment.If the customers pay by cash , then they will have cash discount and the point of transactions.Absolutely, the business won’t penalize those people who pay by card and credit card. How to prevent the situation for cash flow problems As a formal business ,the operator should have a detailed financial book which keep up-to date records on the transaction between business ,customers as well as the suppliers.The company should stop selling if the customer often gives money late or has an outstanding balance. Evaluate the financial performance and position of a business using ratio analysis? There are Profitability ratio which is looking about the profit of the company ,Liquidity ratio is the amount of cash that the business has available to use and Capital structure ratio which is about the shares and loans of the business .By using the ration analysis,company can see the ratio in the past few year.This can show the business whether improved or worsen .For example,the gross profit margin in the 2011 is 44.5%,2012 it is 42.1% and 2013 is 40.9%.Compare the gross profit margin ,we can see that the business performance is getting worse.As a result business should start to investigate why business performance getting worse. For Gross Profit Mark-up ratio is show in every $100 of cost ,how much was added to arrive at Sales price.The mark up ratio and gross profit margin ratio are reflect to each other.Both of them can show the business current financial performance and position .Also, there is expense in relation to revenue ,if the business revenue increase over time,owner will expect the ratio fall. For example in 2011,it is 21.3% .In 2012 it is 20.5% and 2013 ,it 19.9%. This ratio can show the business financial performance and position is improved.Lower percentage will showing improvement of business.there is current ratio business is willing to reach 2:1.The business have to make sure it does not increase above 2:1 as this may not be an efficient use of resources.For the acid test ratio,this ratio can let the business know if he ratio is too low,they will have difficulty meeting request from the supplier to make payment .However,if the ratio is too high ,this will cause the business has too much cash or trade receivable.This can reflect the cash flow of the business at the current financial state. The ratio can indicate which part of business doing well while which part of business are going to face problem .
Saturday, November 9, 2019
1949 and the early 1960s in Communist China: Women; Landlords and Businessmen; Peasants Essay
How far did life improve for the following groups between 1949 and the early 1960s in Communist China: Women; Landlords and Businessmen; Peasants. The years of 1949-1960 in China were indeed ‘Years of Great Change’. Who could have predicted a civil war, a Communist takeover, a complete turnaround in the land ownership system (and the economy in general) and the launch (and failure) of a near-Industrial Revolution? Mao and co heralded a headfirst launch into the twentieth century for China’s governmental system, that’s for sure. But amid all the â€Å"reforms†, how much did life actually improve for the Chinese population? This essay aims to examine what reforms were made, and how they affected the peasants, women, landlords and businessmen of China. Before China’s Communist â€Å"liberation†, it had been ruled by Chiang Kaishek and the Guomindang. Their Nationalist regime had favoured the businessmen and landlords of China. Chiang Kaishek ruled as a dictator and had his army of â€Å"blueshirts†to enforce order, just like Hitler and Mussolini. By the late 1940s, however, his rule was starting to become unstable, with massive inflation causing poverty for many people in the cities. He realised that his regime was doomed, and retreated to the island of Taiwan, leaving the Communists to rule China. Nearly everyone, even the landlords and businessmen, would have been happy about any kind of takeover at the time, as everyone’s future looked bleak under the collapsing Guomindang government. The Communists came as a breath of fresh air. But were they? The Communists were not exactly verbose in their Common Programme when they said â€Å"Women shall enjoy equal rights with men†. Likewise, Mao wasn’t when he said â€Å"Women hold up half the sky†. Yet that was the Communist attitude towards women: equal to men, no more, no less, and it was a refreshing one at the time. The traditional attitude to women was that they were strictly possessions of their husbands. Consider that women had been oppressed virtually since the start of Chinese society: it was traditional to practice such things as foot-binding and child prostitution. Under the Communists, the 1951 Marriage Law abolished both of these barbarities, as well as arranged marriages, child marriages and bigamy. Two of the most significant events equality-wise were the property and divorce law changes: husbands and wives now jointly owned property and either one could divorce the other (before only men could divorce women). Nearly all women would have been pleased about this, and the Party now had a whole gender, so to speak, on its side. However, there were downsides. For the older generation, who were fierce traditionalists, this would have been shocking and disruptive, and since they had not much time left to enjoy the newfound freedoms brought by Communism, they might be opposed to these changes. The only women not affected at all by these reforms were those living in the remote parts of China. These places refused to break with tradition, even under pressure from the Communists. Also, the Marriage Law and social reforms meant that women were now treated exactly the same as men; i.e. they were expected to work just as hard regardless of their state of fitness. A lot of the Maoist policies towards women were fuelled by the wish to turn the currently unworking half of the nation into a productive force; for example, the crà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ches organised for children were designed not really for the benefit of the women as such, but to get them out working in the fields again. Not to be unfair to them though, some policies were selfless: the law to give mothers maternity leave with full wages for two months does seem to be fully aimed towards helping women. In general, I believe that life for women definitely improved under the Communists. There was still quite a way to go, but Communist policy in this area was in many ways quite prescient. Landlords and businessmen probably came off the worst under the Communists. Under the Common Programme, they were defined as being â€Å"capitalists†and â€Å"reactionaries†. The same document stated that they would be â€Å"deprived of their political rights†, so their harsh treatment did not come entirely as a surprise. Under the Agrarian Reform Law, landlords lost an average of 93% of the land they had own. They were also subject to abuse, heavy fines and sometimes, in cases where they had been particularly cruel to their tenants, execution, at â€Å"speak bitterness†meetings. Around three million landlords were killed during these meetings. Businessmen had it nearly as bad. If you had business with the Guomindang or had ripped off the peasantry, you could be sure of at least re-education, if not complete deprivation of any form of rights (in society; no-one in Communist China really had any â€Å"political rights†). Even if you hadn’t committed any â€Å"offences†, you would face fines. Life wasn’t good if you were either a landlord or a businessman in China. It was probably worse if you were a landlord; businessmen at least weren’t executed. At least, not very often; the Communists had something nasty against anyone who had dealings with their old enemy, the Guomindang. Considering that most of Mao’s Communist policies were targeted towards peasants, they are the most important part of this essay. Under Mao, there were three types of peasants, â€Å"rich†, â€Å"middle†and â€Å"poor†peasants. Rich peasants meant those who could afford to hire other peasants to work for them. Middle peasants were those who could afford some basic equipment, while poor peasants formed the vast majority of China’s agricultural system, and were employed by landlords who paid them a pittance to work the land. Mao was very ambitious when it came to China’s work system. First he turned the land-ownership system around full circle. Then he launched the country into the industrial era of the twentieth century. He had to start somewhere, however, and that place was the Common Programme, where it was stated that â€Å"[the party] must systematically transform†¦the land ownership system into a system of peasant land ownership†¦It must steadily transform the country from an agricultural into an industrial one†. This was some goal, considering that the years of warring between the Communists and the Guomindang had lain waste to farms and peasants, causing the agricultural output to drop radically. And through all this there was massive population growths, so there were more mouths to feed with less crops. Mao and his ragtag band of Communist officials had the peasants’ support, though. Many peasants supported the Communists already; after all, they were the original worker’s party, and they had been very popular in the liberation areas, respecting the locals and trying out some reforms with regard to land and women with great success. The first step he took towards his agricultural revolution was by profiling all the peasants and teaching them how to sort themselves into the classes mentioned above. Land was then redistributed between the peasants evenly. This table illustrates how the land reform system changed: % houses % crop area owned Before After Landlords 2.6 28.7 2.1 Rich peasants 3.6 17.6 6.3 Middle peasants 35.8 30.2 44.8 Poor peasants and others 58.0 23.5 46.8 The Agrarian Reform Law turned the land ownership system on its head. Rich peasants lost land, poor peasants gained the rich peasants’ lost land and middle peasants stayed roughly the same (the increase is due to the heavy imbalance between landlords and poor peasants; there was almost too much land to go round after the landlords had been stripped of their land). The peasants had troubles, however: they found that they hadn’t enough money or equipment to cultivate the land. Mao suggested that peasants therefore organise themselves into Mutual Aid Teams, groups of peasants who would share each other’s land and equipment. So far, Mao’s plan was going extremely well; he was popular with the peasantry, having given them the land that had been their dream, and allowed them a chance to get back at their landlords (the â€Å"speak bitterness†meetings were known for becoming quite bloody). The Communist government, however, refused to leave its land reform manifesto at this stage. The Five-Year Plan to revolutionise China’s economy was underfoot, and mutual aid teams were not efficient enough to hit the high economic targets that Mao had set for China. So the co-operatives were introduced: first lower and then higher stage. The lower-stage co-operatives were simply an extension of the mutual aid teams idea, only with many families (around forty) pooling their resources. Only when the higher-stage co-operatives went into action was what Mao probably would have called true Communism in action achieved: two to three hundred families, all having surrendered land, animals and equipment to the co-operative and being paid nothing except for what they earned in the fields for it. The immense pressure and control on Chinese society (wall-posters, censorship and propaganda everywhere) was borne out by the fact that by 1956 ninety-five percent of Chinese peasants had joined higher-stage co-operatives, an idea that must have looked unattractive even then. As you can see, even for peasants Communism was not without big downsides. Perhaps one of the biggest was the onslaught of conformity and control inherent in the whole Maoist idea. â€Å"Propagandists†ensured a constant stream of pro-Communist posters. The media broadcast tutorials on how to defeat American imperialist pigs. Anyone who might be anti-Communist was either forced to leave the country or sent to a camp to be â€Å"re-educated†. And what happened when the censorship was relaxed? Mao decided to let the people say what they wanted about the Communists for a while. From 1956 people said exactly what they pleased, and many of them were rather vocal in their criticisms of the regime. In June 1957 Mao suddenly stopped the period of free discussion, known as the Hundred Flowers period, and clamped down on the more vocal opposition to his regime. Chinese society was back to its closely-controlled state, and if anything, the censorship was even harsher than before. â€Å"Perhaps†¦because of the steely control, China was more stable in 1956 than at any time this century. Foreign occupation, civil war, widespread death from starvation†¦inflation –all seemed to be things of the past. Stability, the dream of the Chinese, sustained the faith of people.†Perhaps the Chinese forgave all of the Communists’ flaws just for a little stability. They abided by their standards and conformed purely to stop any of these other tragedies occuring, and the Communists realised this, and even called meetings to remember how bad things were under the Guomindang. Overall, peasants would have been initially pleased but quite dubious in the long term about the benefits of Communism. They would have enjoyed the land – for the short period that it was available to them. By the end of the first period of land reform, the Communists would be losing their popularity. Mao liked the peasants to seem selfless, and working towards a common good, and depending on how brainwashed they truly were, this might have been the case to an extent. But I am sure that peasants secretly longed to have back the privately owned land it felt like they’d fought for. Some of them would also be unhappy about the repression and censorship, but this would have been even harder for most to see because of the controlled media’s constant presence. In 1958 a â€Å"Great Leap Forward†was announced: a plan to make China into a competent world power, both industrially and agriculturally. It was similar to the first Five-Year Plan in that it relied heavily on the organisation of society into steadily larger parts. These parts were called â€Å"communes†, and were created as groups of villages containing about 5000 families who gave up land, animals and equipment to common usage and ownership by the members of the commune. This was the ultimate unit of control in Chinese society: it was something that was everywhere you went, you ate there, you worked there, you slept there, and anything you felt was also felt by your whole commune. Or so Mao hoped. Posters, speeches, newspaper articles and all the other standard propaganda mechanisms were much more effective there because there really was no escape. The communes were a great success, producing things in record time, and the workers were well motivated. The Communist brainwashing was so total that people were working harder and were motivated because of the propaganda and censorship. However, only a year later, the honeymoon period was over, the Great Leap Forward was having serious marital issues, and the only marriage counsellor was too busy telling his workers to work harder. In short, Mao pushed too hard. Equipment fell apart. Workers fell asleep at their tasks. To add to this, lack of field workers, bad weather two years running and government lies caused a horrific famine, killing over twenty million people. Mao Zedong really should have been forced to resign after this; indeed, if Chinese society had not been so utterly brainwashed I believe he would have. Instead, he was forced to step down slightly, but was still a very prominent figure. And, crucially yet unbelievably, he retained the public’s support after all his crimes against them. The peasants were still with him. But I do not believe life got better for peasants under the Communists during the period I have described. An improved living standard cannot justify the removal of identity from an entire nation and a famine killing millions. I do not believe that the Communists did a lot of good for the vast majority of China. The only segment of Chinese society whose lives improved markedly were women, and when evaluating the importance of the reforms to end sexism, you have to take into account that most women were also peasants. So, whilst they were freed from being killed at birth and so on, they were also left to die later on in the famine, or through overwork, since women now had to work just as hard as men. The lives of landlords and businessmen could hardly be expected to get better under the Communists. However, perhaps they were unnecessarily cruel; execution hardly seems necessary. But Mao’s regime’s performance regarding peasants is unforgivable. A peasant-focused regime making thing worse for peasants is unforgivable, and life indeniably was worse for peasants by 1961.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Truth Essays - Philosophical Methodology, Philosophical Movements
Truth Essays - Philosophical Methodology, Philosophical Movements Truth There are three ways in which one is able to find truth: through reason (A is A), by utilizing the senses (paper burns) or by faith (God is all loving). As the period of the Renaissance came to a close, the popular paradigm for philosophers shifted from faith to reason and finally settling on the senses. Thinkers began to challenge authorities, including great teachers such as Aristotle and Plato, and through skepticism the modern world began. The French philosopher, Ren Descartes who implemented reason to find truth, as well as the British empiricist David Hume with his usage of analytic-synthetic distinction, most effectively utilized the practices of skepticism in the modern world. Ren Descartes was the first philosopher to introduce the intellectual system known as radical doubt. According to Descartes, everything he had learned before could have possibly been tainted by society or the senses, therefore he began to tear down the edifice of knowledge and rebuild it from the foundations up (Palmer 157). It was not that everything necessarily had to be false, but physical laws could not offer absolute certainty. Therefore Descartes used reason alone as his tool towards gaining absolute truth; truth being something that one could not possibly doubt. In his conclusion, Descartes found that the only thing that holds absolutely true is his existence. His famous quote, Cogito ergo sum can be translated into I think, therefore I am. By this Descartes implied that when you doubt, someone is doubting, and you cannot doubt that you are. With this revelation, the French philosopher continued to define selfhood as his consciousness. For in Descartes terms, it was plausible to doubt that one has a body, but impossible to doubt the existence of ones mind; therefore self and mind must be identical (Palmer 162). Hume on the other hand, took a different approach to the idea of self. He believed that there in fact was no such thing as selfhood. Instead he asserts that it must be some one impression, that gives rise to every real idea. But selfis not any one impression, but that to which our several impressions and ideas are supposed to have a reference (597). By this he implies that in order to form concrete ideas, ones impressions of pain, pleasure, joy, etc. must be invariable throughout time. This, Hume states, we know without a doubt to be impossible. Passions succeed each other over time and give rise to new passions, therefore it cannot be from any of these impressionsthat the idea of self is derived, and consequently there is no such idea (597). Although like Descartes, Hume practiced the art of radical skepticism, he felt that if he could not utilize his senses to prove something it was meaningless. Hume continued development of Leibnizs analytical-synthetic distinction, or in Humes words a distinction between relations of ideas and matters of fact (Palmer 197). Analytical propositions are true by definition and are a priori, and therefore necessarily true. Synthetic propositions are not true by definition and posteriori, and consequently can be false. However while Hume used these propositions to define analysis, his main clarification was that while one has the two levels of knowledge, that which is sensible and that which is found through reason, there is no separation between the two.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Avoid the Biggest Workplace Distraction
How to Avoid the Biggest Workplace Distraction So many hours in a day, but never enough time to get things done†¦ or so it seems. In reality, the hours that comprise a workday are often plenty of time to complete your tasks. According to CareerBuilder, 4 of the top 5 productivity killers at work are tech-based: email, texting, Internet surfing, and social media. Little moments here and there of checking your phone or browsing on Twitter can add up to hours of wasted time. Your first step? Take one week to carefully log how you spend each and every moment of your day. Then, add up your non-work-related tech time. You might be surprised at how it’s eating away from your work day.Next, aim to cut back. Put your phone on silent or â€Å"Do Not Disturb†mode, only allowing emergency contacts to reach you during work hours. Then, divert yourself from the call of social media. When you find yourself loading up Facebook or Instagram, walk away. Take a super-quick walk around the office to clear your mind and get back o n track. When you sit back down, it’s back to work you go.Of course, most workplaces do come with a barrage of email you are obligated to tackle. Set aside 10 minutes every hour to do nothing but read, sort, and answer email. Unless it’s urgent, don’t answer or read your email until then–focus on completing tasks instead.A combination of poor time management and electronic distraction often suck up your time until you’re left with a pile of uncompleted work. Figure out where your time is going and transform wasted hours into productivity.Your Top 10 Productivity Killers And How To Fix ThemRead More at Fast Company
Sunday, November 3, 2019
International Business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
International Business - Assignment Example The agreements of WTO are lengthy and complex because the deal with legal issues covering a range of activities. WTO is known as the multilateral trading system (World Trade Organisation, 2011). Globalization Globalization is referred as unification of world into one entity. It captures the changes that take place in the world economy (Indabawa & Mpofu, 2006, p.136). Globalisation is also referred to as the growing interdependence of the countries resulting from finance, trade, people and ideas. Advantages and disadvantage of globalization Advantages Global outsourcing is the global phenomena. Countries like US send its employees overseas which helps it compete in the global environment. The rate of production increases when countries produces goods and services in areas which they have a comparative advantage. With the help of Global integration, poverty has been reduced. As the developing countries gets new employment and exports to. Research and development jobs are better done wh en the work are outsourced because work is completed at an early time as the scientist and engineers work 24/7. The domestic companies are forced to produce better quality of goods so that they do not face competition from the foreign markets. Taxes are usually lower for countries like Malaysia and Singapore, and the financial incentives are quite high in such countries. Disadvantages Many of the people have lost the jobs especially in America due to imports and as the production shifts abroad. Many of the employees got laid off. Most of the jobs that were sent overseas from US were the employees who lost their jobs permanently. Most of the workers still fear losing job, especially companies which are under competitive pressure. Many companies have reduced the wages in order to stay ahead in the global economy. The companies had also reduced health and retirements benefits and also eliminated few pension plans. Globalization of industries, finance, and trade is accomplished by globa lisation of terrorism and crime (Dubrin, 2011, p.57). International Business International business is described as business activity that crosses the national boundaries. The entities can be private or government or in certain cases it can be both. International business is categorized into four types. Foreign trades, portfolio investment, trade in service and direct investment. In foreign trades, export and import takes place. Goods are physically moved between countries. Export consists of merchandise that leaves a country whereas imports are those which are bought into the country. Exporting and importing comprises the largest fundamental of international business. Countries also trade in services such as banking, insurance, hotels, travels and transportation. Portfolio investments are referred to as financial investments made in foreign countries. The investor purchase debt or equity with the expectation of getting a financial return on the investment made. Direct investmen ts are differentiated on the grounds of control. A firm can own a foreign subsidiary entirely or even partially, such as joint
Thursday, October 31, 2019
The Message of Harp of Burma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Message of Harp of Burma - Essay Example is coined from the fact that the Japanese solder in the war use to play Harp instead of using the bullets after realizing that they lost the war, this unit of the Japanese soldiers remained motivated through signing and playing of the Harp. The book describes the engagement of the Japanese soldiers and the British soldiers in the battle of the World War II that ended in 1945. The author himself admits that he was not pro the involvement of the Japan in the World War II and more so, joining the triple alliance with Germany and Italy forming the Rome-Tokyo-Berlin axis. This story gives the in depth of the Japanese participation in the war, the consequences they realized, and their relationship with the British army after the defeat in the Second World War, which lasted between 1939 and 1945. The book talks about Japan in the participation of the World War II in terms of the roles played by the soldiers and the intrigues that followed. Contrary to the opinion that is known about Japan in the Participation of the war. The story in the book depicts Japanese solders as easily disillusioned (Takeyama, 44). This is because just by getting the rumors making the rounds that the war is over, the captain of the solders admits to surrender to the British forces and constantly being under the control of the British. During this period, the British even asked the captain to send one of theirs solders to other units to inform them of the status of the war. One is of the Japanese soldiers who happened to be playing the harp volunteers the duty though knowing the potency of the same-he risked being killed by the solders for showing high level of cowardice (Takeyama, 56). The solder risk and went to deliver the message but in the jungle, he finds most of the Japanese soldiers killed in the field and remains unattended. He feels the situation needs care and wanted to volunteer to bury as many bodies as he could but later decided to abandon the exercise as he realized that there is
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Managing Human Resources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Managing Human Resources - Essay Example The purpose of any team work is to work toward a valued and common goal of an organization. The most important aspect of effective work teams is communication between members of a team in an efficient manner. It involves the ability of each member to understand what the other member is thinking and to determine his/her intentions in an effective manner. There are numerous team development theories and this concept is not new in the modern world. These theories create an effective framework by which the contribution of each member of a team to the team’s performance and development can be evaluated and analyzed. Belbin’s theory in this regard can be considered as an important theory in the development of work teams (Napier and Gershenfeld, 1999, p. 79). Belbin suggests that there is existence of nine team attitudes that are considered as important to success. The nine team attitudes are divided into three major categories by Belbin such as thought oriented roles, people oriented roles, and action oriented roles. Action oriented roles comprise shaper, implementer, and finisher. The shaper refers to an individual who is considered to be a highly motivated leader and possesses sound capabilities in handling pressure (Parker, 1994, pp. 33-37). He is considered to have high competence with regard to handling obstacles and c hallenges. His dynamism plays a huge role in encouraging others to accomplish their tasks. The Shaper is considered to display a high level of aggression which may at times hurt the feelings of others. It is necessary that work teams have a shaper for achieving the desired results but the existence of more than one shaper may be detrimental to the interest of the team as it can lead to face offs between the two shapers. Implementer refers to those individuals who are reliable, disciplined, and works very hard to fulfil the obligations of the team (Robbins and Finley, 2000, p. 65). They are
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Clinical Skills Reflection: Gibbs Model
Clinical Skills Reflection: Gibbs Model The skill that I will reflect on in this essay is the administration of an intramuscular Injection (IM). An IM is an injection deep into a muscle (Dougherty & Lister, 2008). This route is often chosen for its quick absorption rate and often medication cannot be given via other routes. The reason I have chosen to reflect on this skill is because I have had many opportunities to perform this skill, and at my current practice placement this is the most commonly used method of drug administration. I have undertook many IMs at this placement but I am going to reflect on the first one I undertook which was the administration of Hydroxocobalamin commonly known as vitamin B12 (BNF, 2007) Description During a morning clinic with the practice nurse, I was asked if I would like to administer an IM on the next patient, which was a 26 year old lady who has been suffering from crohns disease which can cause B12 deficiency due to lack of vitamin and mineral absorption (NACC, 2007). I agreed and she briefly went through with me how to do an IM as it had been a while since I had last done one. I called the patient in and asked her to sit down. The patient had come in for her first injection of B12. I chatted to the patient asking her how she was and if she had any concerns. I then gained consent asking her if it was ok for me as a student to administer it under the supervision of the practice nurse. The patient responded with you have got to learn I then prepared the equipment which included two needles, a sharps box, a piece of gauze and the medication. I checked the prescription with the practice nurse, and then checked the ampoule against the prescription. I then drew up the medicatio n with one needle disposing of it in the sharps box and attached the other needle. I then proceeded to administer the medication, after completing the procedure I disposed of the needle in the sharps box and documented it in the patients notes. After the patient had left the nurse explained to me I had done it all correct except I had gone in too far so if the needle broke it would be hard to get it out and that I didnt aspirate to check if I had gone into a vein. Thoughts and feelings After I was asked if I wanted to do the IM I felt very anxious as it had been more than 6 months since the last time I had administered one. But she explained the procedure to me which relieved some of my anxiety. When I first met the patient I was feeling allot more nervous as the patient was roughly my age and I havent had much experience of caring for the younger person. After the procedure when I was told I was wrong for not aspirating I felt annoyed as I was sure I had read that aspirating was no longer necessary. Evaluation Overall I feel that the clinical skill went well as a whole. I followed the instructions from my mentor and what the research has suggested other than feeling a little anxious I performed the skill confidently and correctly. What I feel was bad about the experience is with my communication, which reflecting on I believe was lacking. I communicated with the patient prior to the skill and after the skill, but during I felt I almost forgot there was a patient on the end of the needle. I was so focused on getting the skill right and not causing any pain I didnt talk to the patient throughout the whole thing. Another point that I feel was bad is, I forgot to wear an apron. My mentor never mentioned anything about this although I do feel I should have worn one as its an aseptic technique and its part of the (DOH, 2006) guidelines. Analysis The reason why an IM injection was chosen is because B12 can only be administered via IM (BNF, 2007). I gained informed consent off the patient as this is part the NMC guidelines. (NMC, 2008) As patients have the right to decline treatment. After gaining consent, I then checked the medication against the patients chart to ascertain the following: Drug, Dose, date, route, the validity of the prescription and the doctors signature. This is done to make sure the patient receives the correct drug and dose (NMC, 2008) I then washed my hands using Ayliffes six step technique to reduce the risk of infection and put gloves on as part of DOH 2007 Guidelines . The site that I chose was the mid deltoid site. Hunt (2008) Suggests that this is the best site to use as its easy to access whether the patient is sitting, standing or lying down, it also has the advantage of being away from major nerves and blood vessels. Although Roger (2000) states that only 2ml at most can be injected into the delto id. I was able to proceed with this site as B12 comes in a 1ml dose (BNF, 2007). I asked her if she would prefer to sit or lie down, she said she rather sit, this was ok with me as I am not very tall and found this a comfortable position for me. As the patient was wearing a short sleeve top I asked her to move it up slightly instead of removing it thus allowing her to maintain her privacy and dignity. I then assessed the injection site for suitability checking for any signs of infection, oedema or lesions. This is done to promote the effectiveness of administration and reduce the risk of cross infection (Woorkman, 1999). Holding the needle at a 90 degree angle it is quickly pushed into the muscle. Workman 1999 says this ensures good muscle penetration. I inserted the needle leaving approximately 1/2cm exposed as Workman, (1999) says this makes removing it easier should it break off. At this point I decided not to aspirate as per research (DOH, 2006). After inserting the needle I all owed it to remain there for 10 seconds. As Woorkman (1999) suggest that leaving in situ for 10 seconds allows the medication to diffuse into the tissues. After 10 seconds had past I swiftly removed the needle and applied pressure according to Dougherty & Lister (2008) this helps prevent the formation of a haematoma. Immediately after carrying out the skill I disposed of the needle into a rigid sharps container. To ensure health and safety is maintained and the used sharps dont present a danger to me or other staff members as stated by MRHA (2004). After the procedure I documented it within the patients notes as per NMC guidelines and to provide a point of reference if there ever was a query regarding the treatment and to prevent duplicate administration (NMC, Guide lines for records and record keeping, 2005). After the skill I discussed with my mentor that recent evidence suggest that aspirating is unnecessary. According to Workman (1999) the reason for aspirating is to confirm that the needle is in the correct position and to make sure that it has not gone into a vein. The most recent and up to date evidence, says that aspiration is only necessary if using the dorsogluteal site to check for gluteal artery entry (Hunter, 2008). But official guidance from the World Health Organisation and the Department of Health (DOH, 2006) (WHO, 2004) suggest that this site should no longer be used, thus making aspiration unnecessary. By not aspirating it makes the procedure simpler and less chance of adverse events. Furthermore pharmaceutical companies are making less caustic preparations and in smaller volumes. I discussed this with my mentor and she agreed but stated that it is PCT policy to aspirate, and she would have to continue to follow this practice until the policy was amended. Conclusion Using the Gibbs model of reflection has allowed me to thoroughly analyse the event and allowed me to explore my feelings. I have found out despite the evidence being constantly up to date that not all practitioners knowledge is as up to date, and that trusts are equally as slow to adopt new ideas within their policies and that nurses are governed by policy more than current research. I have also learned that there is a great deal of evidence behind such what on the outside seems to be a simple technique and what I thought I was doing correctly may not always be the case. Action plan I do not doubt I will be carrying out IMs for a long time in my career. I will not be doing much differently in the future as the evidence is underpinning my practice. I will not put the needle in as far as I did on this occasion. In the future I will continue not to aspirate, unless local policy indicates otherwise. In addition I will communicate with the patient throughout the entire skill and not just at the start and end of. Whats more from this event I have realised that learning never stops and what I know now may not be relevant tomorrow.
Friday, October 25, 2019
the first days of school Essay -- essays research papers
In this first unit of The First Days of School, Harry Wong presents three characteristics of an effective teacher. The three characteristics are: has good classroom management skills, teaches for mastery, and has positive expectations for student success. The effective teacher exhibits positive expectations for all students. Having positive expectations simply means that the teacher believes in the student and that the student can learn. Students will live up to the expectations you set, and to be effective- your expectations should be positive for all students. The effective teacher establishes good classroom management techniques. Classroom Management is practices and procedures that a teacher uses to maintain an environment in which instruction and learning can occur. Effective teachers manage, ineffective teachers discipline; this book guides you in practicing procedures with your students. The effective teacher designs lessons for student mastery. Mastery simply means a student's demonstration that a concept or skill can be performed at a level of proficiency determined by the teacher. Student success in the subject matter of the class will be the result of how well the teacher designs lessons and checks for mastery. You must kno w how to get students to do their assignments, pass their tests, and work cooperatively.     Wong states that what you do on the first few days of school can determine your success for the rest of the year. Some of the ...
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